- Lunar Legacyby Dean Kuch
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Cursed celestial satellite-why do you torment me so?
Lunar Legacy by Dean Kuch

Lunar Legacy


Yon silv'ry celestial satellite — your light beguiles me so,

whilst all around, the ghosts abound, captured in your waning glow.

Humanity eludes me now, my cruel destiny's been cast,

woebegone monster I've become leaves my cursed soul aghast.


'Twas fate that brought the gypsy queen, with her cursed caravan,

the native Romani dialect quite hard to understand,

cruel cataracts – opaque gaze – scrutinized every inch of me,

bulbous lump formed in my throat as she knelt down upon one knee.


Why do you need me, white man—just what is it that you're seeking?

I felt the hairs raise on my arms, my confidence was weakening.

I beg you, take this curse from me, I'll reward you handsomely.

Old gypsy queen leaned in very close, then spoke these words to me—

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Lunar legacy flows now through your veins,

beast unshackled your human spirit wanes,

'tis thy brethren – soulful howling refrains —

cries out to the wolf, for no man remains.

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What's that to do with my request, why speak to me in riddles?

'Twas then I heard in dark of night a cimbalom and some fiddles.

Melancholy melodies played, filled the air around the camp,

the gypsy queen rose — in firelight — cheeks glistened, moist and damp.


There is nothing I can do for you, your destiny's been sealed,

you no longer walk this realm, your affliction cannot be healed.

For next full moon you'll hear sad tune and know the change is coming;

then left me there, yon necromantic tune she started humming.


On my way home, along the path, Luna's light began to glow,

Soon heard the mellow gypsys' tune wafting whisper'd, soft and low—

Aflame! My body burned and wrenched as I writhed upon the ground,

gypsy queen's last words were all I heard, and not another sound.

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Lunar legacy darkens deep – your soul,

beware moonbeams luster, luminous glow!

Wolf's bloody malevolence will be sought,

undoing the good in the life you wrought.

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My civilized nature soon disappeared —

the wolf had finally won … just as I'd feared.


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Author Notes
cimbalom-- an elaborate stringed instrument of the dulcimer family used in small music ensembles by central European Roma (Gypsies).

For Dr.Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), interpretation was necessary to give meaning to the apparently random thoughts of free association. Freud's focus was on reading the obscure language of the unconscious, and he developed techniques of interpretation in order to do so. In the cases of patients known as Rat Man and Wolf Man, he wove together elaborate stories, explanations, and speculations to make sense out of constellations of symptoms that seemed impossibly puzzling. These case histories, written for colleagues, read like detective novels in which the analyst deciphers the significance of symptoms as if they are clues.

In the case history known as "The Wolf Man," Sergei Pankejeff (1887 1979), a wealthy Russian aristocrat, is described as suffering from debilitating compulsions and fears resulting from his sexual development having gone awry at an early age. Freud focused Pankejeff's attention on a childhood dream which seemed to encapsulate his early traumas and current fears: a dream of wolves perched in a tree outside his open bedroom window. Doctor and patient sought to determine the wish that the dream disguised.

Sometimes, truth is much stranger than fiction.

~Pleasant Screams~ ...


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