- Bookendsby Marillion
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The beginning and the end
Bookends by Marillion


In my despair, I spied you there, but failed to rise and speak—
An inner scream escaped a dream, and vocalized a squeak.
You heard it, turned, and then discerned the sorely-needed word,
A pleasantry to quicken me with honey, dripped and purred.
"Hello", it was, and sweet because of all it may contain—
A friendship earned, attraction learned, and verbal sugar-cane.

When last we spoke, you tried to choke a word inside your throat,
But out it came, attached to blame, and struck a sour note.
You'd loaded first and, unrehearsed, dispatched a crooked shot,
A wintry sort of cruel retort, but interjected hot.
That final scene, the drama queen surrendered love to die—
The stage was dimmed, the show condemned, and ended with "Good-bye."


Author Notes
This could be formatted as an 8-6-8-6 quatrain, or as couplets in iambic hectameter with internal rhymes in the 2nd and 4th metrical foot, and at the end of the line. I chose the longer lines this time.

Thanks for reading.


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