- LOST AND NOW FOUNDby ijusthateyouall
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christina finds herself along a broken road
LOST AND NOW FOUND by ijusthateyouall
5-7-5 Poetry Contest contest entry

i never really saw a point in life, i mean all you did was breathe... until the day i ran away...

i was at home listening to my music as loud as i could, so i couldn't hear my parents i put on "pierce the veil" until i heard a gunshot... i jumped and ripped my earphones out of my ears , did mom shoot my dad ? or did dad shoot mom? i herd footsteps what seemed to be coming toads my room.i wasn't staying around to find out who it was . i opened my window and jumped , my window was close to the ground so , i didnt get hurt. i heard the door open from out side. so i ran, as fast as my tall,tin legs could go. i have no idea were im going but i just kept running... it was day light still. i stopped to see if anyone was following me when i reached the middle of the forest, but no one was in sight. i could hear my heart beating a thousand miles a minute, i knew my parents hated each other but i never would have thought they would pull a gun on them.

i walked for feet were starting to hurt. then i smelled sea water, which is really weird because i don't live anywhere near sea water!a cold breeze hit my face and brush threw my hair. my hair was getting sticky. my feet touched the sand and it felt so soft. the sun was going down when i saw a this light, A HOUSE! when i got to the house it was wooden , it was beautiful, there was a wooden porch and swings. it was perfect. i walked up the steps and the lights were on, i knocked on the door twice. a blonde hair teenage girl answered the door she looked about eighteen " hello , can i help you" her voice was soft. "uh... hi, Im Christina... and umm i ran away from home and Ive been walking for hours and i really need a place to sleep tonight," i ran out of breathe at the end of the sentence. her eyes didn't even blink , no expression, she was just smiling. " hi Christina , im Jessie." she laughed " nice story ,but look you can stay i understand , i was a run away to" my eyes blinked and i didn't even have to tell her one of my parents were murdered. she opened the door , and i walked in.

the house was more beautiful on the inside. the floor was soft and fussy. she didn't say much, she showed me were id be saying and she said i can eat and drink anything i pleased. i really was starting to like this place. we watched the news later on that night , it turns out my mom shot my dad... jessie looked at the TV like she was going to cry... they were my parents why would she cry? i noticed that me and her had the same eyes and skin, we were both tan, and blue eyed. but my hair was light brown.

I had a sister when i was younger, my parents always told me she died. but i couldn't believe it, my parents were masters at lying. her name was Jennifer. jessie went to bed before i did. i could have sworn i heard crying. i wasn't a crier, never have been and never will be. pain is my life, ive gotten used to the fact that im not normal, but i still get a reminder every damn day!

i went to my room around 1:00 am. i just fell on the bed , and stared at the sealing. i noticed that there were paintings at the corners. it was , what seemed to be , a little girl crying. which kinda freaked me out, a lot! i mean its just like "hey im Christina and i have a little girl crying at the corners of my room" anyways.. i final gotten to sleep.

I woke up at 9:30am. i walked to the kitchen and found a note jessie had left me.

" dear christina,
i will be back soon , had to go to the store to get dinner for tonight , STAY IN SIDE!!!!
love jessie<3 "

why'd she but "love" ? i dont know about you, but i have never told anyone that i love them! never! not even my mom or dad. i saw an apple and picked it up, it was bright red, i bit into it. the juice burst into my mouth. it was so good. i walked over to the leather couch and sat down, the TV was a;ready on. its was on "degrassi" . degrassi is so funny to me. its just a bunch of bad actors/actresses that act stupid and cry and well you get the point. i don't hate the show , its just annoying... theirs so much drama, i mean i already have enough of that!

i couldn't wait for tomorrow because its my SWEET SIXTEEN! but i didn't wanna tell Jessie , didn't want to put to much pressure on her. when Jessie got home she cook for hours. i just sat and watched TV. it smelled but i couldn't quite pick out the food she was cooking.

"chrissy foods readyyy." jessie said in a singing voice. chrissy? what? why would she call me that? " Kay " i said blandly. "you okay?" she smiled at me. i gave her the look like, what the fuck is wrong with you. but i didn't say anything i just smiled . i mean i have no right to be rude, shes letting me stay here! " yeah just hungry " i gave her a smile back.

she stared at me the WHOLE TIME i was eating. i was about to say something rude! i cant help if i blurt out something. like when i get mad i say the worst thing you could think of. and i don't even mean too! then that when she said something that really scared me. " so... what do you want for your birthday tomorrow?" OKAY! HOW THE HELL DID SHE KNOW MY BIRTHDAY WAS TOMORROW! OH MY GOD,!!! "uh..... how`d you know my birthday was tomorrow! i never told you" my eyes were wide, but she kept that smile on her freckled face.

" calm down. my friend Jennie happens to know your family. and she told me tomorrow was your birthday." Jessie said . oh thank god, but i didn't know a Jennie? but who cares. " i don't really want anything for my birthday " she looked at me as if she were confused. i wasn't a birthday girl type. i just like to be alone most of the time. " your getting something . and Jennie wanted to come by and see you , is that alright?" Jessie stood up and took our plates in the kitchen. "yeah that's fine, when is she coming?" i was acting like i was glade she was coming.. but i didn't know her. " tomorrow, at your birthday party , trust me your going to love her" she looked at me in this way i didn't quite get.

i woke up a hour earlier to try and see Jessie. but even at seven am, shes up and gone running. who runs at seven am? i guess she does. i took a cold shower and went on the wooden porch. the sea breeze felt fresh on my skin.i heard the waves smash against shore ,i could have sworn water got on me, but it was impossible, i wasn't that close to the water. i saw Jessie before she saw me she was running up the side of the water with blue short and a blue sports bra. she jogged up to the porch and plopped down beside me.

"you should come running with me in the mornings. its a lot of fun!" she gulped down her water. "thanks but i don't want my grave to say i died by running" i smirked. she laughed at what i assumed she took as a joke. " you wont die" she said. " maybe tomorrow ill go running" i tried to end that conversation. " the guest will be coming soon you better get ready." she jumped up "oh my gosh can i do you hair and makeup? please, please ,pleaseee" she begged. " why not" i faked a smile. by god, why do people take birthdays so seriously?

i love this so much! my hair was in a ponytail/french braid. i was wearing this beautiful purple dress, it had sparkles all over it, my make up was light on the corners and dark purple on the rest. i looked amazing ! Jessie said the purple brings out my eyes. "you look...AMAZING" Jessie had tears in her eyes. "are you okay?" i hugged her. "shes going to love this." she wiped a tear off her face. " who?" i asked. " Jennie" she walked out.

it was a hour after all the guest came, Jennie wasn't here yet. i saw Jessie talking to a thin and tall girl with brown hair. she seemed about 17-18 years old. Jessie pointed and me and walked over. " Christina , this is Jennie." Jessie said. Jennie looked at me, she has green eyes. " hey, happy birthday!" she hugged me, i hugged back. " thanks" i was kinda freaked out because ive seen that face. it was my mothers face, same eyes, my hair, my skin. "are we related??" i couldn't help myself i had to ask! i had to know! she looked at me steady. " no " the words hung in the air for a while, but Jessie broke the silence. " SOOO, Im going to leave y'all to talk." her and Jennie exchanged looks, and then Jessie walked away.

Jennie and i stood there, she was the one to speak first. " why'd you ask?" she didn't look at me when she said it. " you look alot like my dead sister,Jennifer. she laughed, it hurt. " whats funny?" i asked . "nothing" she smiled " so, Jennifer... how did she die?" she looked down. " my mother told me she was murdered ." i look at her. her face seemed hurt. "did you know her?" i asked. "yeah, she was" she cleared her throat "my bestfriend" i wanted to say sorry for your loss but i lost her to. " happy birthday Christina" she walked away.

there wasn't alot that i could remember about Jennifer, but everything else is a blur. but i remember when i was little , Jennifer danced, she was the best dancer. she always told me " dance you heart out little one" . i couldn't think about her. it hurt to much. she tought me so much. but i didn't remember i was brain washed by my mother! i hated my parents! i have always been in pain, but it surprises me how much a smile can hide.

everyone left. Jennie was the first one to go.i was sitting on the porch when Jessie sat beside me " hey, you okay?" Jessie didn't have a smile. she actually looked... sad! "yeah why?" i didn't look at her, i just look out to the ocean. "i knew her." i looked at her. " Jennifer" she said. i was on the ground fallen on my knees crying. Jessie was holding me. i don't remember the last time i cried. all i knew was , i was in pain. my heart stopped. and i didn't know why.

after the "horrific" day, i stayed in the living room and watched tv until i fell asleep around 5am.

Author Notes
this is a made up story that i just made up right off the back i hope you really like it.


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