Ray Manzarek...
Wouldn't want to rest in peace; his soul.
His transcendental mindset carried by him
would view upon Heaven, his spirit as a foal.
Much as he explored and communicated to us in life,
it is Ray's music; his thoughts, his deeds,
joys, and love contained within his frame, was rife.
In so many ways he was a true family man for the world;
a father figure to his family also poets and musicians,
who guided his fans, yet maintained a child's spirit
and love which his devotees should never fail to herald!
While Ray Manzarek,
was the first to say poetry wasn't his predilection;
I would have to tell him he is wrong, because of his qualities
and outlook, but it was through the language of his notes,
that makes him a poet upon one's introspection.
While Ray himself was one of the Doors, he opened
many minds and challenges one's perceptions.
He may have been popular and sold many records,
but earned his Heavenly keep with each musician
and rockers decided to add Ray's music and words/
to their collections.
While Ray may have succumbed to the ravages of time,
he is one person who will never die as once again he
is played to landscape and inspires/
the listener's cerebral climes.
While I believe Ray Manzarek will never rest,
at peace is his beloved soul.
Who will continue to reappear as a delightful
ghost of Rock and Roll.
Ray Manzarek
February 12, 1939
May 20, 2013 -age 74
Author Notes
Please note that Ray Manzarek is most known as the keyboardist of the Doors, and in my opinion Jim Morrison's best friend and confidant. Also Ray did numerous solo albums, as well collaberated in works of other musicians as well created recordings, lending his musical talents to people of poetry.
The photograph is of Ray Manzarek and consider public domain as it is found on the Wikipedia page, Ray Manzarek and is licensed under the creative commons and is under the use GNU Free Documentation License. The photograph of Ray was taken in Seattle at the Triple Door. It is attributed TriviaKing(talk)DWS, who while granting permission for the photo's use, may not endorse its use. I modified this with exposure, cropping, and retouching out objects and people around and behind him.
In all honesty, this isn't the photograph I wanted to use, but they are most likely copyrighted by the record company, yet this is the best one I found that conveys his spirit and character so well.