- Finding Loveby Treischel
This work has reached the exceptional level
An Ottava Rima Poem
Commentary and Philosophy
: Finding Love by Treischel

Finding Love

You can search the world for treasures of gold,
Rubies, and pearls, and things money can buy,
But those aren't the treasures I wish to hold,
Or decadent pleasures I'd like to try.
No, it's not the search for riches untold,
Where thirst for endless possessions apply.
Truth of these trinkets cannot rise above
The secret to Life - to have and share love.

Love's the most valuable thing about life.
The gift you give and receive without end,
To be shared between each husband and wife.
Where the purest essence lovers expend
Guarantees continuation of life
Given to children, as families blend
Into functioning units of sharing,
And wonderful examples - of caring.

With that as the core, showing to the world,
Such hope and tenderness, each giving more,
Notions of peace can be fully unfurled,
Loving our neighbors as never before,
Where Eons of hatred as tensions swirled,
Can be overcome on each Nation's shore.
When pure love is loosed, you can be sure
That, when all's said and done - Love is the Cure!

Author Notes
I wish the Love, like that of a Mother and Child, could be spread to everyone throughout the world, for each other.

I meant to enter the contest, but by the time I wrote this, the contest was still open, but full. So, I guess I'll just post it in general.

The picture is of my daughter and grandson.


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