- Embrace Integrityby gudbjorg
This work has reached the exceptional level
The power of the honest mind
Poems of Love and Spirit
: Embrace Integrity by gudbjorg

Embrace integrity, My warrior band.
On its truth and honesty you must stand.
My little ones have now grown so tall
But sometimes they think they know it all.

I'm moulding My army to a high degree.
Only love and honesty will make them free.
Capture this truth and get on board,
For in My Kingdom waits great reward.

Leave no trails of lies or deceit,
Putting your loved ones at risk of defeat.
Stand in the gap, your sword held high,
Uniting the army with your warriors' cry.

This is My plea to you, My youth:
Build on the foundation of love and truth.
Negative thoughts rebuke and fight.
Fill your life with Love's warm light.

Hold nothing back, My dearest Loves.
Be filled with the sunshine that streams from above.
Break free from the shadows and take your stand,
Wielding the keys, bring light to the land.

Cleanse your hearts from the sins of youth,
From now speak only words of truth.
The First Place must belong to Me.
Serve Me in truth and humility.

For here there are but a faithful few,
Who will pay the price to stand strong and true.
Come, My Loves, and walk with Me,
Up the rugged road of integrity.


Author Notes
Seeing young people growing up in the face of many negative influences in society, I felt concerned to help them grow strong on firm spiritual principles that would stand them in good stead throughout their lives. Of course, integrity doesn't apply only to youth, as we are all subject to tests and trials of our character and spirit. After some time pondering the topic, this poem formed in my mind.


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