- White Lightningby Helvi2
This work has reached the exceptional level
Fantasy stallion/ spirit of thunder and lightning
White Lightning by Helvi2

Wild are the winds that keep whipping the land
When thunderheads loom up above
Weather is frightful when you hear skies roar
And clouds bump with notions to shove

Something is brewing and coming on strong
You'd better heed now what you hear
I am quite certain that when it arrives
You'll know the true meaning of fear

Heaven will tremble and nerves will be shot
Inside an explosion of sound
Hoof beats will drown out the hammer of Thor
And pulsate through air and through ground

White is the stallion of static above
That takes his herd out for a run
Light bolts escape from the midst of their eyes
While sweaty cold raindrops are spun

Heavy humidity snorts from their nose
Like powerful blasts from a gun
Mayhem exudes from the soles of their feet
As they exclude signs of the sun

White Lightning's fire shards cut to the bone
Cacophony rattles his sky
Maelstroms of static are hard to squelch out
When this steed is out on the fly

Malevolence rides in the atmosphere
When you hear the sound of hoof beats
You may be trampled if you don't respond
And find a safe place to retreat


Author Notes
This poem was inspired by the lovely mixed media created by my friend Donkeyoatey of FA. This is the second time this year I was inspired to write a poem from work that he's done.

I hope you enjoy my poem of a white mystical stallion and his herd I created based on Donkeyoateys mixed media called
"Thunder Dreams" I envisioned the horse as the wild spirit of thunder and lightning

A special Thank You to my friend (Donkeyoatey) for the use of his wonderful work. :o)

Thank you SO much for stopping by...I hope you enjoy both works!


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