- Search Your Heartby Jewell McChesney
This work has reached the exceptional level
is your heart pure?
Reflections For The New Day
: Search Your Heart by Jewell McChesney
Faith contest entry
little punctuation on purpose,loose rhyme, no intended meter

You need not be an intellect
Of any master mind
Or a gracious poet
Creating songs of special kind

Or even be a perfect saint
No history of mistake
or walk in grace and dignity
shining a spotless face

Although good works seem kindly
To any human eye
A holy God looks in your heart
Intention He will find

Out of our hearts spring fountains
Of revelations strong
The treasures which are buried there
Become eternal songs

Integrity reveals pure truth
A wicked heart tells lies
Your character paints pictures
For every viewing eye

Take time to rest and listen
To the truth which sits within
Rid yourself of anger
Resentment, fear; all sin

The heart with understanding
Seeks knowledge all his days
But mouths of fools eat folly
Empty words and faithless ways

Before you boast of victories
Be sure to open wide your heart
A haughty saint is irony
His light will have no part

You may speak in tongues of angels
Carry swords upon your side
Or dance a dance of justice
In your heart have foolish pride

A God of Love and mercy
Cannot move through you
Your life a snuffed out candle
in dark exposes truth

A broken heart laid open
For all the world to view
Will find your true salvation
A flame will shine in you


Author Notes
Without love we are as clanging brass....

Thanks belgrano for the colorful flame.
This represents to me, true worship.

God bless all who read and review


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