- Mindyby jmdg1954
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Another family addition
Mindy by jmdg1954
I Remember writing prompt entry

   I remember exactly what I was doing when I heard the news. I was blasting Peter Frampton's, "Do You Feel Like We Do" while painting the foyer of our new home. Seemed like a most unlikely place and time to have the news reported to me by my twelve-year-old daughter... we were going to have an addition to our family. Like my wife, Debbie and I, and our three children weren't enough of a family! We had to add one more? Yikes! Well I suppose there are certain conditions in life you try to control, but a far superior power has other plans. The superior power, of course was my wife. Fully aware that life would no longer be the same, I trudged forward.

   She weighed all of six pounds when I held her for the first time with a wide grin on my face. Squirming, she grabbed onto my finger. Cute, until I felt this warmth on my chest, through my shirt. Holding her slightly away from me, I realized she peed on me. Ugh, already. Quickly, I wrapped her in a blanket and attempted to hand her off to my daughter, Cindy who sat on the sofa. Afraid to drop her, she wanted no part of holding her. Mark, my fourteen-year-old son manned up and took her from me. Of course as he was trying to sit down he lost his balance and fell back into the recliner. Robbie, my youngest started to yell at both his brother and sister for their ineptitude until Mom intervened and calmed everyone down.

   Deb gave me "the look", signifying she was ready to leave. I knew it was now up to me. I said, "Mr. Hartman, although she is adorable and everyone seems to like her, her one eye is a little crossed, she's tiny and your asking price of $275 is a little steep." He wouldn't budge, and neither would I. When I said, "Come on kids it's time to go," Cindy started whimpering... 

  "I l-l-love her, we can't go home without her."

   What else is a father to do? I succumbed to the whimpers of my daughter and paid the $275 for the purebred Beagle.

   Here I am fourteen years later. I bought one half-dozen mini canolis, and stuck candles in both ends for a spoiled, overweight beagle, who sits at the kitchen table and howls as we sing happy birthday to her.

   I wouldn't have changed a thing!

Writing Prompt
Begin your non-fiction autobiographical story or poem with the words 'I remember...' Complete the sentence conveying a moment, an object, a feeling, etc. This does not have to be a profound memory, but should allow readers insight into your feelings, observations and/or thoughts. Use at least 100, but not more than 1,000 words. The count should be stated in your author notes.


Author Notes
Word count: somewhere about 415


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