There is a harbour, dark and still,
That formed ten thousand years ago.
It lies upon the western sill
Of Grand Manan, in indigo.
Seagulls soar above the cliffs.
Puffins nest on jagged rock.
From herring weirs, in island skiffs,
The fishermen return to dock.
Where seaweed grows a tangled mess,
Where buoys bounce, it has been said
That barnacles, like warts, caress
A horrid, torrid dragon's head!
This monster of the Fundy Isles
Has zigzagged to Dark Harbour shore.
With nostrils wide, this crocodile
Can clear her throat with one big
Mouth of fire, darting tongue,
Orange eyeballs, scales of green;
Glistening white, her teeth are strung,
A yellow-bellied squirmy Queen.
But then, a melody so rare
Rises up from ocean brine!
Haunting echoes everywhere,
How magically they intertwine!
The ocean sways as Dragon sings,
Tides rising to the highest note.
Back and forth, the sea world swings
In eddies round her slimy throat.
Then all along the rocky face,
On every ledge from salty douse,
The shoreline birds select their place
Inside this outdoor opera house.
A foghorn drones in mournful bass.
A whale donates a whistling tune.
A hush embraces ocean's face,
A lullaby for stars and moon.
Then Dragon's song is finally done.
She sinks beneath a gentle wave.
As birds fly to the rising sun,
The dragon slips into her cave.
There is a harbour, dark and still,
With coastal birds from gull to wren.
Tonight they'll watch and wait until
The dragon sings her song again.