- The Babies Sixby wierdgrace
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The families
The Starting Point
: The Babies Six by wierdgrace

Now the next chapter will tell something new... thank you for your adorable picture wolf6249107

The number one baby went to a couple in their forties living in the great large state of Texas. The nurse, who thought on the jet, was the mother of this week old baby, going to join her husband who had left to go to his job before the baby arrived. A young man who grabbed her and kissed her, taking his son, met her at the airport.

All who had insisted on helping her thought she was alone. Then the imaginary family was wished away in a car to the attorneys where the new parents were waiting to receive their new son.

The parents, Delpha and Joe Cunningham, had picked out the name Joe after the father. He would be called Joey.

They had long wanted a baby but Delpha, after many miscarriages, had given up.
The husband had been transferred to his new job here in Dallas just two weeks ago, so the Cunningham's were not going to tell anyone their child was adopted.

The attorney in California had let them know about two months ahead of time they would receive a baby. Therefore, Mr. Cunningham and his wife had gone ahead and rented a beautiful home in Dallas. They had it on contract to buy in case all went well and he was located here permanently.

Delpha had worn loose clothing and spread it out to the help she was with child. They had a nursery right next to their bedroom, all redecorated and ready for the new comer. They were all well off, the fifty thousand for the bought baby was no trouble.

The child would have all he desired. Delpha clutched the baby Joey to her breast.

"Look, a beautiful blonde boy."

They loved him on sight and took him to their home with care and love.
The second baby went to Salem, Oregon, to William and Susan Smith and they called him Billy.

They were in their fifties, had a good savings account, and owned an old fashioned home with gardens and trees around the large acres.

The third child went to Hollywood, California to a couple who had a large home and he worked in the studios. They were in their late twenties.

The wife, Helen, was a very flighty person, always wanting something she did not have, so the husband, John Farrell, gave in as usual and adopted the baby for her, as he could care less. They named this baby Johnny.

The fourth baby went to Miami Beach, Florida, where Dan and Marie Taylor were in a large home right on the water. The reason for these adoptions, Dan Taylor's Grandfather had died and they were to come into a large inheritance when their first child (boy) was born.

They were in with the young jet set, parties, and more parties. It was the old man's only grandson and before he had died, he knew that was the only way to have his name carried on, so when Dan and his wife were read the will they sure got a shock. Marie was afraid to have a child, wanting no part of it, but they both wanted this mansion and all the money that came with it, so now had been waiting for a boy.

They had left Miami Beach and traveled around telling all their friends Marie was pregnant, so when the word was sent, a boy had been born. This so-called attorney arranged with a hospital and on its files were, Daniel Matthew Thomas, had been born there, date and year.

The middle name Matthew after the grandfather. The Taylors came to the hospital and met the so-called nurse with the baby, taking it home where a real nurse took care of it and the inheritance was turned over to the Taylors.

The only interest the Taylors had in this little bundle of joy, was to show him off to their group of friends, then after all the compliments and 'oh's and 'ah's' from half high group, it would be rushed upstairs to the large nursery where Danny, as they called him, spent the early years of his life.
The fifth baby was flown to France and the sixth to England, childless couples as all the rest.

The same arrangements, birth certificates faked people in their forties and fifties, well to do. So the last two had the names Tommy Legg in England and Jackie McEngle in France.

The boys, six normal babies, whom would have made history, spread out through the earth plane. All six were healthy, very strong, and very good babies.

Author Notes
I rushed this so the story can continue, it will be better soon, so hope you hang in there, first draft.


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