On Jan. 15, 1929, Martin Luther King, one of the great civil rights activists, was born. He studied in Boston, and met his wife Coretta Scott in that city. He was a man of strength and wisdom, and he suffered terribly because of his devotion to maintaining the rights of his people. He was a genius who attended college at age 15. He led marches for freedom, and was jailed several times. He was stabbed in Harlem by one of his own people, the only black person ever to do him physical harm (she was declared clinically insane). He visited Africa and India, and gave all the money he could to starving human beings. He was assassinated on April 4, 1968, during the Easter season. He asked one of his associates, moments before he died, to sing "Precious Lord, Take My Hand." The Lord did indeed take him to the land of love, justice and freedom, everything he had stood for.
Author Notes
Martin Luther King and fellow civil rights leaders did a lot for black people regarding registering to vote, riding the front seat of the bus, freedom, jobs, food.
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