I erupted into the world with a scream so long and so loud and so high that the obstetrician said, “Here’s your little opera singer!” as he quickly handed me to my mother.
After a decade’s worth of voice lessons that began at age thirteen, I proved him right by being accepted into the chorus of a renown New York City opera company. But rather than being the dream job I imagined, it was, instead, a nightmare. In no time, I left it and returned to my hometown, where I fell into teaching, a profession I have loved with all my heart ever since.
It keeps me young, fills me with joy and laughter every day and makes it clear as a flawless diamond that I will never-but-never voluntarily retire from this gig. That would be the equivalent of retiring from eating ice cream, and who’d ever choose that!
Writing Prompt |
Write the entire story of your life in no more than 150 words. You can be experimental, creative, funny, serious, provocative, reflective, whatever style you best feel represents your life. You must write about your entire life, not just a moment of it. No poetry (too easy). No fiction (YOUR life), although metaphors are acceptable so long as they are directly interpretable to be about your life. You'll be surprised at what your life looks like in 150 words. |