- Can Man Not Live in Peace?by Peter Jarvis
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I can just dream of world peace
Can Man Not Live in Peace? by Peter Jarvis
Stacked 5-7-5 writing prompt entry

Harmony whispers
Nations join hands in friendship
Dreams of peace take flight
Borders fade away
Unity's gentle embrace
Hope ignites the world
Silent olive trees
Stands as symbols of resolve
Wars give way to calm
Children's laughter rings
Echoes of a brighter world
Future built on love
Stars twinkle above
Guiding paths to harmony
Peaceful dreams endure
Voices rise as one
Across mountains and oceans
A song for the world

Writing Prompt
Write a poem that has multiple stanzas. Each stanza is 5-7-5.

Author Notes
My stacked 5-7-5 poem conveys an optimistic vision of world peace, emphasing the power of unity, the innocence of children, the importance of understanding, and the resilience of humanity.


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