- Holiday Hopes and Dreamsby Monica Chaddick
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What the holidays bring - lol
Holiday Hopes and Dreams by Monica Chaddick
Stacked 5-7-5 writing prompt entry
Artwork by corrinas creations at

It’s that time of year

Holidays have come again

Food and family


Start with Thanksgiving

Turkey and all the trimmings

Football, parades, naps


No time to digest

In blows the Christmas season

Gatherings, parties


No time to cook meals

Shopping ~ take out has to do

Plan Christmas dinner


More rich foods to eat

Packages to wrap and send

No time for the gym


January plans

Bring us to resolutions

Saving, exercise


We make promises

To ourselves to be better

Then comes Valentine’s

Writing Prompt
Write a poem that has multiple stanzas. Each stanza is 5-7-5.


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