Anatomy of a Marriage : Anatomy of a Marriage Ch 12 by BethShelby |
![]() Three weeks had gone by, since Trenton’s intervention. Today was the day Marsha would see him for the first time since he had been taken to the treatment center. She didn’t know what to expect. The only thing she’d been told was that she should arrive at the entrance at ten in the morning, and she would be escorted to a group therapy session. There would be other guests attending as well. She was cautioned to keep the news from home upbeat and to encourage her husband and make him feel she was proud of his decision to go for treatment. As if he had had a choice in the matter. The loss of a partnership he had worked years to attain, made the decision, as they called it, a no-brainer. She wondered if the firm knew that she suspected he had been unfaithful. The treatment center was on the outskirts of the city. Marsha had been given a brochure with a map and a layout of the place. Not having been there before, she left home early, unsure of what traffic delays she might encounter. She was surprised at how anxious and nervous she felt about seeing him again. They had parted with Trenton aware of her suspicions concerning his recent activity. He might have come to some decision regarding their marriage during the three weeks he had been away. How would I react if he should ask for a divorce, she wondered. By the time she arrived, Marsha was a bundle of nerves. After parking in the visitor parking area, she made her way to the entrance and went inside. There were a couple of women and a man seated in the lobby. The receptionist came forward, asked her name, and welcomed her. “Why don’t you find yourself a seat? We are still waiting on a few people. As soon as they arrive, we’ll go back together,” the lady told her. Marsha glanced around the room. One of the women seated kept fidgeting with her scarf. The lady appeared to be as nervous as she was. Within the next 15 minutes, the other guests arrived. There were two couples among the group and Marsha assumed they were there for a son or daughter. “Ok people, I believe we’re all here. If you’ll follow me, we will walk back to the group therapy room.” The chairs in the room were arranged in a large circle, but the people were all gathered around a table with a coffee urn and some fruit and cookies. A tall dignified man in a suit and tie took over and greeted the guests. He suggested they find the person they were visiting and help themselves with the refreshments. Trenton spied her and smiled. His eyes seemed to light up as he moved toward her. He reached out and pulled her to him and held her close. “Would you like some coffee or something else?” he asked. “I’m good, but maybe I’ll take one of those bottles of water. This place is nice. People seem very friendly. You are looking good. How are you?” “I’m hanging in there. I’m hoping they might let me leave early. They’ve done their thing and I’ve played their game. This was all so unnecessary. Did you think this was something I needed?” “It wasn’t my idea. I thought you knew that. I was only there because the firm asked that I be there. But hey, they say you’ve gotten the alcohol out of your system. We’ll get all of it out of the house so you won't be tempted. I’m proud of you. We miss you, but maybe this will be a new start. Did they say you might be able to leave early?” “Not exactly, but if you tell them that you can’t handle things at home with four teenagers, I think they might realize I don’t need this place. It isn’t a prison, and they can’t force me to stay here. I’ll promise to go to all those damn AA meetings they expect us to attend. We’ll talk about it later. Come on, we’re supposed to sit down and go through some rituals. Most of the others have already found a seat.” Marsha hadn’t had a chance to answer, but her heart sank. Trenton would likely be angry if she refused to tell them she needed him at home. What she was hearing was he wasn’t here to give up alcohol. He didn’t think he had a problem. He was here to keep his partnership with the firm. The moderator said,“Ladies and gentlemen, I am Kenneth Overton, I am a clinical psychologist in charge of the daily group sessions. I am also one of the counselors who works with these fine people on an individual basis. Now, I would like those of you who are staying with us to introduce yourself, and then your family member who is visiting today. We’ll start over here on the right and go around the circle.” A man rose and spoke,“Hello, my name is Joe Tomkins and I am an alcoholic.” There was a chorus of replies from others acknowledging him. He continued by saying, “This is my wife, Greta. I am blessed that she has stood by me on this journey.” One by one the others rose and did as they were told. It felt very strange when Trenton’s turn came to hear from his lips that he was an alcoholic, but Marsha realized they were only words. He was saying what they wanted to hear. After everyone was introduced, the moderator announced this would be an abbreviated session, and ordinarily, the group would be able to express themselves about their struggles and progress. Since they were entertaining family, the session would close with the Serenity Prayer. Afterward, there was a light lunch prepared for everyone. At lunch, Trenton once again brought up the subject of her talking to them about him coming home early. Marsha said, “I want to believe that you love your family, but you haven’t even asked about the children. Are you sure you would be the kind of help I need?” “Come on, help me out here. Are you saying I’m a lousy father. It isn’t like we have had much chance to talk. I figured if there was a problem, you would have told me.” “It would be nice to have things back like they once were, but I'm not going to be able to talk to anyone here today. I’ll need to go to the firm and see how they feel about it. They might still terminate you if you leave early. It is only three more weeks. You can handle it. Now that we’ve seen each other I think they will probably allow us to speak by phone. There are some things we need to get cleared up before you come home. I will call in a couple of days and tell them I need to talk to you. That is the best I can do for right now.” Trenton wasn’t happy, but he realized there was nothing he could do that wouldn’t risk his situation with the firm. Although Marsha had initially been pleased that Trenton had seemed genuinely glad to see her, she felt their situation remained in limbo. She had no intention of lying about needing him, so he could leave before the six weeks were up. However, she intended to call and tell them it was important that she talk to him. Some questions needed answers before there would be any chance that this marriage could continue.
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