Danger is my business : Cleaning by Liz O'Neill |
We are trying to get an emergency home phone landline established for my brother. He has since lost his own cell phones so all they have and all he has is this phone. Trying to call it to see if it works, some lady was getting a little annoyed because I kept calling her. The Comcast people had given us the wrong number. The way this hooks in to the title cleaning.
We were applying for an emergency phone landline for my brother. Evidently some lady came in saw the house and immediately became judgmental and said the house was unkempt to have an emergency phone in it. One of the leaders was quite put back as I was also. One of the leaders, Melissa, grumped “how could someone say that an emergency phone call could not be allowed?”
Several of us worked on the project and information was reinstalled. However, I spent almost a half an hour on the phone with one of the technicians from Comcast yesterday. We were trying to get the phone to ring. What happened was really weird when I called that number I got another lady. She was assigned the number we were assigned.
So I called and had another number of asssigned. We still don't really know if that phone is working so we got’ve to keep working at it. I'll let you know. I repeatedly called that number. No one answered. It could be no one's home. We will keep trying. My former sister-in-law is going to do some investigating also.
We are puzzled as to why that woman would say that about my brother and his home. There are probably three people in his home who are making sure things are neatened up cleaned up. They do his laundry. The cat is back because my brother feels he can take good care of the cat. I told him the shortcuts for cleaning up the litter box and then just put a little more sand in it. And He's been doing that and it's working fine.
You may remember in my book Traffic, my main character, Chordelia, Linda and I were very conscious about using walking sticks. I finally got my brother to drag out his old walking stick and that will be much help more helpful. He said when he took the bus to Walmart which is probably about 2 miles away, stepped down off the bus and fell. I noticed he's been using his walking stick since then. I was pleased to see when we were going anywhere he was actually carrying his walking stick.
At some point it was discovered there was surplus mold in one of the closets. What resulted, Mike had a group come in that would clean everything out, with hazmat outfits. All the toxic items were removed as I return to my bias toward Miss Snooty. I still wonder what measuring tape or any measuring device she used to make such a statement about my brother and his house and his need for an emergency landline.
We will continue to call that number until we verify if that number is ringing or not. I keep wondering is the ringer on that phone being sounded. On another subject of phones, my brother went up to his usual place Walmart to talk to somebody about his phone. He ended up leaving his phone somewhere in Walmart so he has no phone. I think he's always got that drive that he wants to go back to Walmart. We realize we can't leash him.
I know many would feel that that would be the solution. Many cringe when they think he's riding his bicycle. If you remember it was because he was riding his bicycle when he was 40 years old, got hit by a car. Some Minister was driving down his road clearly not watching where he was going. Mike was sitting at the yellow cross line waiting for the cars to go by. That's when this unalert driver slammed Mike off his bicycle onto the driver’s windshield.
Ever since all of the victims of his TBI don't like seeing him riding a bicycle. Bicycles have become another Obsession for my brother in addition to telephones coffee slippers and shoes. I'm wondering how he's doing because he has no cell phone I didn't know if he was trying to buy another one and that would be more money out of his pocket.
He does ride his bicycle down to a store that he calls RDS, a discount store where he gets many of his needs. It takes him nothing to ride down to the next block. He returns with a few items in a satchel. It is enough to throw in the freezer and have some nice frozen meals in the microwave. When he has his meals from his Meals on wheels, which contrary to others’ perceptions, he is thoroughly enjoying. He claimed that he had done Meals on Wheels back in the'90s. The flavor was not as good then, as it is now and he's very pleased with that.
This seems threateningly dangerous, much easier for him to get onto his bike than to get onto a bus. The problem is once he gets down to the Walmart area. He travels to the back of the Walmart store and then when he comes out he may have missed his bus. Then he's lost for the night and the police have to come and look for him. As I've said before we can not leash him.
He has repeatedly taken his phone down to someone he calls “the telephone man” at Walmart. But now he has left his phone somewhere with the telephone man or in some other place down at Walmart. It seems now he is going to be obsessed with going back down to Walmart to talk to the telephone man. That would only be by what he calls the BUS.
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Liz O'Neill
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