- The Staircaseby Y. M. Roger
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The right path's not always clear, but it doesn't have to be
The Staircase by Y. M. Roger
Poem of the Month contest entry

There, uneven and abandoned,

a stairwell climbs a hill…

Its steps but vestiges of stairs

‘midst shining daffodils


In fact, to most wand’ring eyes,

its visage may not call…

So hidden is its purpose

‘neath nature’s weathered fall


Atop the hill, no statue hails,

nor landing ‘neath first rise…

An obscure path ‘twixt high and low,

its plan unrecognized


Yet, could it be that just beyond

our hurried mundane sight,

A vision calls from polished steps

‘neath ev’ning’s fading light?


“Look here!” Those daffodils exclaim

with not eyes but spirit’s touch…

“It’s here you’ll find Compassion’s trod,

left healing in His dust.”


For ‘tis not the destination

nor point of genesis,

But ev’ry careful step between

bathed in brokenness.


Author Notes
So, I wrote the poem from a mental image - the pic was, of course, found to post... so, yes! I realize there are no daffodils in the picture!! :-) :-) Feeling just a bit introspective and reflective this evening at the end of a VERY long week, so let's just say this was inspired... hope you find the message here. Thank you for reading me! ;-)

Pic: [Overgrown Steps, Bentley Haye LNR]


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