- Shedding the Old Coatby Senyai
My Journey of being Surprised by Joy
Shedding the Old Coat by Senyai
My Faith Poetry contest entry

My faith used to hang like an old coat
from the hook on my side door
Ready for the cold blasts of regret
to warm my loneliness 
but not for intolerable furnaces of pride
I found I didn’t need that coat and let it stay
upon the hook gathering dust while I prattled.
But is this faith? …no.
It was a security blanket of my own doing.  Faith is something beyond self, but oh, concerning self it is.  More than hope, it is believing in a promise of restoration to wholeness of a fractured soul.  
Faith is a horizon that a new life is just over the bend in time and space where there is a home for us.

In admittance that we must be mended with grace, then we are home.  
True faith carries us on its wings. We feel it beating in our heart, feel its breath upon our cheek.  Faith has become a part of us, sinew and bone.  
Faith holds us up as we seek the lighthouse in the distant night, the north star to guide us to the Holy place where we may rest our head and hear the words, the living words that run like waters through our soul nourishing the parched dry landscape of our heart


Author Notes
*Surprised by Joy is the title of a book by the great C.S. Lewis. The book and phrase denote a wonderful emotion he felt the moment this English author found his faith.

My poem is free verse.
Thank you for reading.


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