- Marilyn found the caveby Karen Cherry Threadgill
Yep! It's a cave.
Marilyn found the cave by Karen Cherry Threadgill
This Sentence Starts The Story contest entry


We found the cave. We weren't actually looking for it. We were talking about maybe looking for it when  we stumbled across it.

Marilyn had been talking about nothing else for weeks. I asked her if she thought that dozens of crews filled with people with good bodies that can bend and have energy to burn, will be likely to be upstaged by us weekend ramblers?


Mildred Hempstead here. I used to be lively and up for just about anything. I used to be quite the looker too. I still am if you are as old as me with declining vision. Nowadays the highlight of my day is my nap.  Okay, I am not that far gone, but to think about crawling through a cave like when I was a girl scout is ludicrous.


At the ripe old age of seventy, getting dank and dirty and beyond worn out holds little appeal. In my day dreams I am forty five and at my best. Dancing every other weekend, Running a company, having money to pay all my bills, Having a husband I believe loves me utterly, and men still flirt with me. The only time men speak to me now is to say, "Hey lady, will you move? I can't see the TV." 


My feet still dance when I hear good music, but the rest of me declines. Cave spelunking is well beyond my current skills. And as we are surrounded by water up here at "Hendricks Lake" it is wet and mushy. Jean Lafitte is a distant relative, so Marilyn came across this story and thought I would put my waders on and go dig up my family fortune. 


She is a sweet lady, and yes, I could certainly use the money, but he stole it to begin with. And a two and a half hour drive to Tatum from Plano was quite wearing enough without scooching around in a dark, moist, stinky cave. I think not, thank you very much. The money would belong to the state in any case. 


Now, if you told me that Jean Lafitte's treasure had been found in Tyler, Texas, along with a letter stating that the gold was given to him by President James Madison for services rendered. I would go to Tyler, to stake my claim for my portion. In a heartbeat. But friends, if cousin Jean buried his treasure, I would bet it would be in Galveston.


So, I am not going in that cave. But you go on right ahead. I have come far enough. I am going back to the Best Western and take a shower and a nap.





Author Notes
Picture form Pinterest. A nod to my friend Marilyn who has inspired me many times.


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