- Play It Againby Begin Again
The sands of time change
Play It Again by Begin Again


In the heart of the city, a new and intriguing business opened its doors — a place where people could revisit a single hour from their past.
The concept was simple — individuals could step inside a cylinder, punch in a date and time, and be transported back in time to relive one precious hour.

Unaware of each other, two strangers were drawn to the unique establishment. Alyssa, a young professional, sought a moment of respite from her hectic life. Deacon, a writer, longed for a second chance with a certain woman and answers to what went wrong.

As they entered their time-traveling chambers, something curious happened. Deacon and Alyssa found themselves in the same place at the same time — a cozy outdoor cafe on a sunny afternoon many years ago. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee, decadent pastries, and friendly conversation filled the air.

For the first time in years, Alyssa felt relaxed as she watched people stroll along the boardwalk, stopping to feed the birds or chat with someone they met. The hustle and bustle of the city melted away as she inhaled the fresh air, smiling at the tranquility she had been missing. She questioned if she wanted the lifestyle she'd been living. Successful, yes — but where was the enjoyment? She wanted someone to share it with.

Deacon, sitting at a table near hers, was far from relaxed. He nibbled at his lower lip, glancing up and down the street, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the woman he hoped to marry. They had been dating for a year, and he planned to propose today. His hand patted his pocket, reassuring himself the ring was still there. He'd expected to feel the old flame burning deep inside, but he felt a coolness instead. Was it simply nerves because of the lost time?

Suddenly, Alyssa's peaceful moment was interrupted by the clatter of her coffee cup tipping over when someone bumped into her table. Before she could react, Deacon stood, grabbing napkins from his table. As he bent down to help her, their eyes met.

There was a brief silence — a pause in time — as they looked at each other. A spark passed between them, fleeting but undeniable. Both smiled awkwardly, and Alyssa thanked him.

Before either could say more, the woman Deacon was waiting for approached. His face lit up, beaming from ear to ear, but Alyssa noticed something in the woman's body language — stiff and unfriendly. The woman quickly made an excuse about work, brushed her lips against Deacon's cheek, and hurried away — just like last time. Deacon's face fell, the excitement draining from him as he sat speechless. The cold felt like lead in his stomach.

Alyssa, who had been people-watching, saw the woman walking swiftly across the street. Her heart broke for the man she didn't even know. Then, it happened — the woman was with another man — he was hailing a cab, and she kissed him before they climbed inside.

Feeling a tug of empathy, Alyssa gently reached across the small distance between their tables and touched Deacon's arm. He looked up at her, confused. She pointed across the street.

"She's with someone else," Alyssa murmured, nodding toward the cab as it pulled away.

Deacon stared momentarily, processing the scene as his heart sank further. Alyssa offered him a kind smile. "It's her loss. You'll find someone better."

Neither spoke again until Deacon sighed, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. His disappointment slowly lifted, and as the minutes passed, they started talking. The conversation flowed easily, naturally, as if they were old friends. By the time the hour ended, Deacon wasn't feeling so sad. In fact, he found himself laughing at something Alyssa said as the surrounding scene began to fade.

Returning to real-time, they exited the time cylinders and hurried their separate ways.

The next day, in the middle of the city's bustling streets, Deacon hailed a cab at the same time Alyssa did. They looked at each other, surprised. He gestured toward the cab. "Ladies first."

Alyssa's eyes sparkled with recognition. "Going my way? Because I'd be happy to share the cab."

Deacon smiled, feeling that familiar spark. "I don't know where you're going, but I'd happily ride along."

They stepped into the cab together, a sense of excitement growing between them.

The cabbie smiled and asked, "Where to?"

In unison, they both answered, "I know a cafe —"
Maybe the hour they shared in the past hadn't been a coincidence. Perhaps this, too, was meant to be.



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