- At Peace with Agingby Debi Pick Marquette
And much gratitude to my friends
At Peace with Aging by Debi Pick Marquette

With birthdays we go through a stage

It bothered me where time has gone

I dreaded this new decade's age

But God answered my prayers by dawn

'Cause yesterday those fears were freed

Now it is just another year

 Each birthday post that I would read

No longer would I feel this fear

And those of you who would review

You were so thoughtful and so kind

And with the Pep talks from a few

Put peaceful feelings in my mind

All of the kindness I have heard

You always go out of your way 

I can't seem to find the right word

Please know that you all made my day

Now I have many thanks to give

For all my blessings, big and small 

For now on my life I will live 

And not think about age at all



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