- Feeding the Bumsby Debi Pick Marquette
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They would sit on the tracks and beg for food
Feeding the Bums by Debi Pick Marquette
    One Day at Five Contest Winner 

When I was only five years old

My siblings and myself were told

Do not go near the railroad track

Stay in the front yard, not the back 

The tracks were almost in our yard

To stay away was very hard

Cause on the tracks would sit the bums

And some of them would beg for crumbs

The railroad warned us not to feed

The messages we did not heed

Our mom and dad were both at work

So older siblings were a perk

An old kettle mom didn't use

Some garden veggies we would choose

The water needed for the stew

We gave them a can of dad's chew

I never will forget that day

Cause nosy neighbors and hearsay

Our parents lectured all of us

They said they could be dangerous

So on that day we all were caught

And what a punishment they got

But not for me, I would survive

'Cause you see, I was only five 


Writing Prompt
Share one full day of your life when you were five years old. All details welcome, any style or length, may use names and places except yours.
One Day at Five
Contest Winner


Author Notes
Back in those days they were called bums. Nowadays that is not politically correct but when I was five that is what they were all called that hung around the railroad tracks


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