- Down a Rabbit Holeby davisr (Rhonda)
A birthday tribute to Debi Pick-Marguette
Down a Rabbit Hole by davisr (Rhonda)

Once upon a time, Debi PM was sitting beneath a tree reading a book called 1001 Birthday Poems. She smiled sweetly, her perky golden hair framing a kind face. She sighed deeply and leaned her head against the stately Red Pine.

She had written most of the items in this book. She thought about the years she had spent adding to this tome of poems. There were all sorts of poetic forms represented like ballads, diamantes, haikus, acrostics, free verse, villanelles, 5-7-5’s and many more.

Just before she dozed off, still contemplating her next dedicatory poem, she happened to notice a small critter prancing its way down the path beside her tree.
The puppy, for such she noticed it to be, was whistling Bohemian Rhapsody and dancing an Irish Setter jig.
“Dear puppy,” Debi said. “What is that you’re whistling?”
The young dog, her red hair blowing in the breeze, stopped in her tracks. She turned big brown eyes on the legendary poet.
“It’s Queen,” she replied in perfect English, “but I’m only just learning it. I much prefer Willie Nelson. Have you ever heard, Always on my mind?”
“Who hasn’t?” Debi asked. “It’s one of my favorites. Can you whistle Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain?”
“Girl, I can sing it. Why don’t you come with me to the Magical Forest Song Festival? There are many artists represented there, like Jimmy Fortune, Mason Williams, and Bob Seger. There are a few animal bands as well.”
Debi sat upright, her book of poetry placed carefully on her backpack. “How do we get there?”
Princess reached in her doggy backpack and pulled out some turquoise flower petals, which she blew dramatically in the air.
Immediately, Debi and the Irish Setter puppy were transported to a forest made of Maple trees with turquoise leaves. Hibiscus flowers draped on their pastel limbs.
“This is beautiful,” Debi purred. “Do you live here?”
“Sometimes,” she replied. “It’s where music and all forms of imagination hang out. And yes, dear writer, it’s where poetry is born.”
Princess reached once more inside her puppy backpack and pulled out a handful of turquoise flower petals. “Happy Birthday. You may use these anytime you need to get away from the mess back in your world and feel the splendor of fantasy. You can even bring your husband, Glenn, and any of your besties with you. But come on, I hear Amazing Grace playing.”

Happy Birthday, Debi.

I hope this year brings you love, joy and healing.

You are blessed and a blessing.






Author Notes
All images are AI and from IZEA. It's amazing what they can create on that site, except, btw, Centaurs.

This short story is dedicated to one of our favorite poets on FanStory. Always quick to write poems for a birthdays, anniversaries, bereavement, encouragement, healing or just for fun, she has a tender and giving heart.

Happy Birthday, dear one!!


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