If I had AI, would that make me a fake?
“Not real” intelligence would be hard to take.
If I had fake smarts do you think I’d be trusted?
No, probably most people would be disgusted.
In today’s world there’s way too much AI around
From those whose own voice is their favorite sound,
They spout lots of guff which makes no sense at all
Thinking that with enough words, they’ll enthrall
The everyday people who come home from work,
who watch the news, thinking they’re going berserk,
that the whole world’s gone mad, and they’re feeling bereft,
with an AI take over; would there be humans left?
Then one day a child of nine spoke up and said,
at a meeting instead of home tucked in her bed,
“I hope grownups won’t think that I’m superficial,
but make believe is the same as artificial;
It’s not real, you see, so there’s no need to worry
About all the coming big tech AI flurry
‘cause smart people have common sense, that is true
and figuring things out is what smart humans do.
And if they can decide which is good, which is not,
Why should we depend on a “fake-smart” robot?
People have brains that are always improving
Learning new good stuff, advancing, behooving
The people, us humans, who don’t need programming
No fake info spewing, no big tech flimflamming;
Smart men with good judgement who make quick decisions
Can beat, any day, fake intelligence precision.
So, why do we think AI robots are good;
moving machines that eventually could
take over our lives, could in time, take command
and then they, not we, would rule over our land?