- Crossing the River Styxby DonandVicki
This work has reached the exceptional level
A poem of faith.
Crossing the River Styx by DonandVicki
Free Verse Poem contest entry

Weary world traveler
walked a road in his youth
most men share, a wider path
that all sinful folk dare.

Yet in his latter days
he found a narrower way,
he thought it best taken
before it became too late.

At long last he finally arrived
at a destination we all will find,
the ominous river Styx.
where he met a boatman there.

Boarding the skiff
the boatman asked:
"Are you afraid of what's
on the other side?"

"Why should I be afraid?"
The weary traveler asked,

"My father owns both sides
of the river."



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