- Patch and Ruby Plan a BD Partyby Debi Pick Marquette
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Patch, Ruby and 1st time Catzilla, friend and bouncer
Patch and Ruby
: Patch and Ruby Plan a BD Party by Debi Pick Marquette

When Patch skyped Ruby just to speak

She said "My birthday is this week"

And Ruby said "I'll come see you

A party is what we should do"

"My missus surely won't like that"

And Ruby said, "think like a cat

She knows I'm here so what's the diff

We must get into some mischief"

And so a party they had planned

And if it would get out of hand

"Catzilla bounces cats that crash

He’s great at taking out cat trash"

When they thought missus was asleep 

The cats came in without a peep

And in the basement, all these cats

Were dancing in fun party hats

 Some meowgaritas were alright

'Till whisk-E Sour Puss had to fight

So, Patch said, "You are way too plowed"

"Intoxicats are not allowed!"

Catzilla bounced them out the door

He said "no worries anymore"

The camera they did not see

These cats thought they were home Scot~ free

So, even though they were alone 

The missus taped them from her phone

She laid in bed and watched a while

Then she rolled over with a smile


Author Notes
Patch belongs to Helen, Missus (Lyenochka)
Ruby is my granddaughter, Kenzie's cat
Catzilla belongs to Sally Law


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