I love doing online jigsaws, particularly of church buildings. Last night, the picture evoked a poignant memory of childhood, which surprised me.
We had just arrived in Australia, sponsored by the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, and things could have been much harder without the help offered. The minister of the church we attended in Melbourne was also the RE teacher at my school class. Bill always made a point of acknowledging my presence at a time when, if it had been possible, I would have cheerfully walked all the way back to Glasgow. No one understood my accent, and some children laughed at or teased me. Bill was also responsible for teaching the class the hymn "As With Gladness Men of Old" Today; it evokes emotions for two reasons!
Were he still alive, Bill would not remember his influence on me. The memory has made me realise the importance of quiet Christian leadership to family, friends and strangers. My brother and I are now the ancient ones teaching his children to follow Jesus ably assisted by my husband.
Life would be dull without good friends and mentors, but I hate to contemplate what it would be like without our Lord, Jesus.
Writing Prompt |
Write a story on any topic. 200 Words Exactly! Title not included in count. |
Author Notes
RE teacher Religious education 200 words in story