- My Last Day on the Seaby Bryce 1
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A short story
My Last Day on the Sea by Bryce 1
    200 Word Flash Contest Winner 

"Keep the boat sailing!". That was my only order to follow. After decades on the sea, sailing through currents, waves, storms and even a typhoon, I was given my final order. I was shocked. The captain seemed utterly bewildered when he gave the order. It's like when you find someone on the battlefield and the first thing they ask of you is to send their letter home. We were doomed. 
The storm had such a strange feeling to it, so sudden. This was in the year 1901 when I was actually close to retiring. Pirates rarely have that luxury. Anyway, I followed my order. The driving rain tried its best to blow me off the boat. I made my way over to the end of the ship, and that's when things became clear. The strangeness in the air was the palpable presence of something massive, something angry. The great sea beast ripped through our ship. I watched many good men fall into the jowls of that heartless monster. I made my way to an island not far off. 
Nobody believes me, even despite the picture I was able to take. I called him the Lochness monster but they just laughed. 

Writing Prompt
Write a story on any topic. 200 Words Exactly! Title not included in count.
200 Word Flash
Contest Winner


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