- Ultimate Betrayalby Monica Chaddick
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The ultimate betrayal doesn't come from a lover
Ultimate Betrayal by Monica Chaddick
Betrayal Poetry Contest contest entry

Why is it you hate me so?

I'd really, truly like to know.


You build me up to knock me down.

You trash my name all over town.


I love you so, it makes me weep.

But you hurt me and lose no sleep.


You are my biological mother

and should love me like no other.


Yet you tear me down and insult me.

My feelings you pretend not to see.


I have been let down by family and friends.

Pain that I thought would have no end.


But to be so damaged by one who gave me life

causes me the greatest strife.


My self esteem has always been in the dirt

because you have betrayed me and caused the most hurt.


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