- A new Beginning by Boogienights
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A new Beginning by Boogienights
Spring writing prompt entry

The winter season slowly fades,
a few snow patches here and there...
will wash away, with first warm rain,
Then Lady Spring has much to share.
The greening of grass-covered fields,
the riotous color where flowers bloom.
The lakes and rivers, icy blue,
all serve to help dispel my gloom. 
I feel a sense of joyfulness
as all around the earth renews.
Spring promises a brand-new start
and I can't help but see the clues.
The birds build nests to house their young, 
from dens, bears come with cubs in tow.
The breath of new life smells so sweet,
the earth takes on a lovely glow.
While viewing this my heart feels peace
as Lady Spring, her gifts bestowed
upon us all, another chance
my worries, fears, and cares, let go.

Writing Prompt
Write a poem about how spring affects you. It can be humorous, inspirational, romantic - whatever you feel as springtime returns.


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