- Anatomy of a Marriage Ch.3by BethShelby
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A continuation of a marriage in trouble
Anatomy of a Marriage
: Anatomy of a Marriage Ch.3 by BethShelby

Marsha was beginning to realize when a suspicion takes over your mind it eats away at you like a cancer. Once again, she found herself digging around in Trenton’s closet. This time, she was feeling into the pockets of suit coats and jackets. Part of her hoped there was nothing there to find, but she felt compelled to do it anyway. All she had found were a matchbook with a printed bar name with which she wasn’t familiar and a couple of business cards.

She was about to give up when her fingers came across two receipts folded together. She took them out into the light to have a better look. One was from an expensive lingerie shop, and the other was from a Jared Jewelry store. A sick feeling washed over her. These items listed had not been gifts for her. She was shocked to think Trenton would even go into a lingerie shop. The price tags were shockingly expensive. She didn’t even own a diamond tennis bracelet. Both receipts showed the items were purchased in February.

February was over five months ago. This meant if he was cheating, it had been going on for a while. What possible other explanation could there be? The purchases were made with cash. Could one of the senior partners have asked him to pick up the items for their wife? Surely neither of them would have asked Trenton. They each had a secretary who could do that. Even if that had happened, Trenton wouldn’t have kept the receipts. She almost wished she hadn’t looked.

As soon as the kids were home, she found an excuse to pull Joey aside. “Son, I hate to burden you with this, but I’m concerned your father may have another woman in his life. I don’t want to get your sisters upset. You know how emotional they can be. I thought maybe I could talk to you. You haven’t had any reason to suspect anything have you?”

Joey looked down and pressed his lips together. He shifted his feet and cleared his throat before he spoke, “I didn’t want to say anything, unless you knew. He is seeing someone. I saw them. It looked like Dad’s car, and I watched to see where he was going. I don’t think Dad noticed me passing by, but I know where she lives. I started to say something to him, but I didn’t know what to say. I don’t want you to get a divorce.”

“Did you recognize her? Is she someone we know?"

“No. I’ve never seen her before. But she only lives a few blocks from here. I was riding my bike in that area.”

“What did you see? What were they doing?"

“They just got out of Dad’s car and went into her house. They were laughing and looking at each other like something was going on.”

“OK, Let’s keep this between us. Don’t tell the others what you saw. I’m probably going to want you to show me where she lives. I need to think about what to do about this.”

Marsha was angry and hurt. The shock of having it confirmed was devastating. What should I do now? she asked herself. I need to talk to someone. Do I confront him? Do I talk to a lawyer? I need to know what my options are. Why is this happening? I’ve been a good wife. I’ve always supported him. He could never find anyone who has done more for him than I have. His drinking is clouding his judgment. I don’t want a divorce. There has to be a way to fix this.

Marsha lay across her bed and sobbed, her tears soaking into the duvet cover. She berated herself for her stupidity of not realizing this was even possible. She decided she would talk to her friend Carman. She had been there for Carman when she was going through her divorce. Carman knew a good lawyer. She had come through the divorce with a great settlement.

Marsha decided she would just talk to the lawyer. She wouldn’t file for a divorce, but she could at least find out what she could expect if it came to that. She wouldn’t say anything to Trenton until he returned from his trip out of town.

Monday morning as Trenton prepared to leave for his trip to Tallahassee, Marsha asked, “Do you know how long you will be there?”

“No, it will just depend on how it goes. There are several meetings scheduled. I may be back in a couple of days, or it may take longer. I’ll call and let you know.”

“Are they just sending you? Is there no one else from the firm going?”

“Just me and my secretary. I have to take Sheri with me to take notes. If we sign them on as a client, she’ll need to be there to draw up the agreement. I hope you’re not worried about her. She’s not my type. We are booked in separate rooms at the Hampton Inn. You don’t have a thing to worry about from her. She’s got a boyfriend. Why are you asking all these questions? You’ve never been a jealous person.”

“I just asked. I didn’t mean anything by it. I can’t have a normal conversation with you anymore without you thinking I’m questioning you. I’d just like to know if anything comes up, if I can get in touch with you.”

“Let me call you. I’d rather you don’t call me when I’m in a meeting. I’ll be back home as soon as I can leave.”

Trenton gave her a quick peck on the cheek and was gone. It was Marsha’s week to drive the children to school, so she went about the task of getting them off in time to pick up the other two kids in the car pool.

Later in the day, she was surprised to get a call from Trenton’s firm. It was one of the senior partners, Bill Cunningham. 

“Marsha, I was wondering if you have time to talk. I have some things I need to discuss with you while Trenton is out of town. I’d like you to come by the office if that is convenient. If not, I can meet you somewhere. It’s important, and I’d rather not do it over the phone.”

Marsha Calson  wife of Trenton age 43
Trenton Carlson  husband and law partner 45 
Joey Carlson  son. Age 16
Linsey Carlson daughter age 15
Timothy Carlson son Age 13
Tracie Carlson daughter Age 11
Litasha Taylor the Carlson’s maid  
Sheri Weldon Trenton's legal secretary  age 26
Carman Daiz Marsha's divorced friend
Bruce Benton Neighbor Trenton’s friend and Barbara's husband
Barbara Benton Marsha’s friend and Bruce’s wife.
Bill Cunningham  senior law partner 


Author Notes
The story is set in Jacksonville, Florida around 2010 It involves a couple in the 40s with four children. The husband is a lawyer who recently become a partner in his firm. He has a drinking and his wife suspects that he may be having an affair.


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