- Goodbyes and Jane (Gretchen)by GWHARGIS
This work has reached the exceptional level
Goodbyes are hard.
: Goodbyes and Jane (Gretchen) by GWHARGIS

Rachelle Allen and Gretchen Hargis are headed to the FanStory convention in Atlantic City when Hargis's car breaks down. They are rescued by an Amish family/

So far, Rachelle Allen and Gretchen Hargis are on their way to the FanStory Writers' Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey when Hargis's suburban breaks down. Luckily, an Amish family comes to their rescue. With no cell service to speak of, the women are stuck until the local sheriff returns. But, as luck would have it, they manage to get two calls out. One to Hargis's husband and the other to Rachelle's cousin, Tova. At long last, Tova comes through and brings Rachelle's fancy new car. Well, that and a friend.


Tova finally releases her embrace of Rachelle and calls over her shoulder, "Manny, pop the trunk!"

I glance to see a man, in the driver's seat, reading a paper like he's waiting for his wife to run into the store for bread, not someone who has driven a couple hundred miles to rescue two women. The soft click of the trunk release is almost soothing. This vehicle doesn't whinny or neigh. It runs on fuel not hay and oats.

Rachelle squeals with delight as Tova pulls a shiny white suitcase out of the opened trunk. "This should be everything you need. I took the liberty of adding a few extras, you know, things that will make my Rachelle smile."

The other lady, still engrossed in the scene starts walking towards me. "Hi, I'm Jane. Jane Babies."

"Gretchen," I say, looking around awkwardly.

"German. I guess that's okay. Any Nazis in your family?"

I stare at her. That was quite the ice breaker. I can't tell if she's teasing or really inquiring so I play it safe. "None that I know of, but there's always hope, isn't there?"

Jane's eyes widen for half a second then she throws her head back and laughs. Not just laughs, but snorts and slaps my arm playfully. "You're a hoot, missy, you are funny. This is going to be a fun trip."

That's when the bottom off my stomach dropped out. What trip? Not the trip Rachelle and I are taking? No, how could this be? Surely, Rachelle would have mentioned this to me earlier, had she known. I try to summon Rachelle's attention telepathically, but, apparently, you can't get a signal through when a Jewish woman is talking about clothes or shoes.

"What trip?" I ask.

"To the convention, silly. I just joined Fanstory and well, Tova told me about you guys and I thought, what the heck, this would be a hoot."

"A hoot, huh? Not quite the word I was thinking," I mumble. I excuse myself with the mention of having to pack my bag and head to the house. As I pass Rachelle I hiss in her ear, "Allen, we need to talk."

She gives me a forced smile. "I just heard. We can talk in a few. Just understand I had no idea."


I sit on the edge of the bed and draw in some steadying breaths. I am a self proclaimed creature of habit. They joke at work about who has to tell me there are going to be changes in the pharmacy. Whoever draws the short straw and has to break the news to me, usually comes armed with smelling salts and a paper bag for me to hyperventilate into. Having this Jane woman show up and proclaim she is hitting the road with us, has sent me into a tizzy. I had the day to get used to the thought that Rebekah was coming.

But this lady gives me the heebie jeebies. My gut is never wrong. If my red flag detector goes off, there is good reason. I go to the window and stand just to the side, watching as Rachelle and Tova and the man named Manny talk. The lady, Jane, just off to the side, dancing like she's hearing music in a disco. (And, let's be honest, this whackadoodle just might have her own DJ in her head.)

A noise from the doorway makes me turn. There stands Hannah. "Hey, you come to help me pack?"

Hannah smiles and steps timidly into the room. "I'm glad God sent you and Miss Rachelle to us."

Not one to get those mushy gushy feelings, her comment made me warm up inside. "Well, thank you, Hannah. I think God likes to put people in your life when you need them the most. Apparently, I needed y'all."

"My mamm gets lonely sometimes. She liked having you here."

"I liked talking with her. I'm sorry we didn't get to make those corn husk dolls. I was really looking forward to that."

Hannah smiles brightly. "Wait here." She runs out of the room and down the stairs. I go back to the window and see Rachelle talking to Jane. She's nodding her head yes, over indulging this woman with attention. And Jane is eating it up. She is throwing her hands around, and I can just tell she's talking, no make that bragging about herself.

"Here," Hannah says coming to stand beside me. When I look down, I see what she's holding. It's her very own corn husk doll. "You can have her."

"What? I don't want to take your doll, Hannah. What will you play with?"

"Mamm will make me a new one."

Her generosity is almost overwhelming. "Thank you, Hannah. I will treasure this. I have a hutch in my dining room where I keep things that mean a lot to me. This will go on it as soon as I get back home. Can I name her?"

Hannah nods.

"I think I'll call her Hannah. I think that's the perfect name for her. What do you think?"

Her blush says it all.


After Tova and Manny climb back in their car, it's just Rachelle, Rebekah. Jane and me. Rachelle tells Rebekah to say her final farewell to her family. She hands me her keys and opens the back door. "Just remember, this is my baby. Please be careful."

I smile devilishly. "How fast can this baby go?"

Jane hurries to the front passenger side. "Shotgun!" she yells.

I clench my jaw and send a side eye glance at Rachelle.

"I know," Rachelle whispers. "This is all just part of the detour."


Author Notes
This fictitious Jane is based on no real person, living or dead. The hutch is real and it's where I keep my treasured things. And, no, there are no Nazis in my family tree. Besides, if there were, do you think I would ever admit it to Rachelle?


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