The sound of children's laughter warms my heart,
as scent of cotton candy fills the air.
Here, young and old together all take part
in games and scary rides ~ for those who dare.
The Gobbler sandwich is beyond compare,
with Deep Fried Oreos for my sweet tooth.
The music from the carousel will blare,
inviting me to find the ticket booth.
I'll cherish memories that I can share ~
since good, old-fashioned fun these days is rare.
Author Notes
A Decuain is a French firm that consists of ten lines with ten syllables each.
Rhyme scheme is ababcbcbbb.
The Topsfiejd Fair is the oldest county fair in America. It has been held here in Massachusetts every October for over 200 years. Highlights include a Beekeeping and Honey show, a giant pumpkin weigh in contest, a sheepdog herding competition, and a regional Flower Show. as well as musical performances. The Gobbler Sandwich is a Turkey dinner on bread.