- Spirited Justice Summaryby Begin Again
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Spirited Justice Summary by Begin Again

I wasn't certain how to post this, and I apologize if I've done something wrong. Some who fell behind in their reading during the busy summer and newcomers have asked me to give a summary of what has been happening in the book Spirited Justice. It's brief but covers most topics. For those who are interested, I hope it helps.

Have a great day!

PROLOGUE: A pageant of a different kind. It honors women in three categories — Beauty, Brawn, and Brains. Lila Whitaker was a contestant in one of the first years of the pageant. An unknown person killed her and took her research papers on cancer. Were they lost, stolen, or destroyed? They held Lila Whitaker's father, Thomas Whitaker, responsible and sentenced him to prison despite his claims of innocence.

In Chapter 1, Danni, a ghost, gets transported from her current theatrical residence to the morgue, where she joins forces with Detective Donatelli — who nurses a chip on his shoulder wider than a city block. The man on the slab is Arthur Beckett, a prominent attorney, Naomi's law partner, and a shady backstage investor with the pageant.

Chapter 2: Danni learns that Donatelli dated Naomi and accidentally found some incriminating information on Arthur Bennett. Naomi wins her case by saying the detective had illegally searched her premises. Angelo, a PI who walks a fine line between right and wrong, visits Naomi, hoping to find more details about Beckett and the pageant.

Chapter 3: Jenna is the pageant coordinator and also the daughter of Eleanor, our resident ghost. She arrives at the Art Museum and learns through a disgruntled Donatelli that Beckett was murdered outside the Museum's back door.
Chapter 4: Sophia, a blind girl and niece of Lila Whitaker, has kept her aunt's dressing room (now storage room) as her secret hideaway. When Donatelli scares the young girls with his rough interrogation skills, Hilda and Sophie retreat to the storage room. Aware of Sophia's heightened senses, Eleanor befriends her and tries to get her to talk with the detective.

Chapter 5: Danni and Donatelli share takeout and discuss the case until Eleanor shows up and trumps them with what she has discovered from Sophia. His client, Carlos Hernandez, summons Angelo to Mexico. He fears Naomi will tell the police information, which would put his son, Jose, under suspicion. He directs Angelo to make sure that doesn't happen.
Chapter 6: Angelo returns to the States and sees Jose at the airport instead of in Mexico, where he was supposed to be. Jose is deeply conversing with two men in suits, a young gentleman in a German University sweater and a rough-looking thug. These men want Jose to get the research papers from Naomi. Little does he know, this is just the beginning of a series of unexpected twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Chapter 7: Another "so-called" accident with a man falling from the scaffolding happens at the Art Museum. Unfortunately, it was a ruse, so the kidnapping of Hilda (a researcher in the contest) can be kidnapped. Danni discovers evidence that the scaffolding accident was far from an accident.
Chapter 8: Eleanor confronts Angelo and wants to know what he knows about Jose, Naomi, and the men at the airport. Learning of the incident at the Museum, she only discovers that Hilda has disappeared with the University Student.
Chapter 9: Hilda is overwhelmed by Johan's attention and does not realize he was setting her up for a significant downfall. He's a smooth talker, but she is lonely and far from home. When his billfold is conveniently lost, she offers to cook breakfast for him — a perfect opening to get into her apartment. Meanwhile, Angelo remembers meeting Naomi years ago on a Mexican beach. She was drunk and terrified because Jose had involved her in hiding a murder he had committed. Her life has been in jeopardy ever since.

Chapter 10: Johan begins his search for Hilda's research while attempting to seduce her in her apartment. Carlos learns that Jose is in the States and orders Angelo to keep him out of trouble. Eleanor discovers what Johan is up to and convinces Donatelli, against his better judgment, to visit Hilda's apartment.

Chapter 11: Johan attacks Hilda, but thanks to Eleanor's intuition, Donatelli and his two ghost detectives arrive to rescue her and arrest Johan.
Chapter 12: A stressed-out Naomi leaves work and attends a memorial for Arthur Beckett. She senses someone watching her, and as she leaves, she feels they are following her. Searching Beckett's things, she discovers clues about why he might have been murdered, including a key to the safe deposit box. She hides it behind a picture.
Chapter 13: Jose and his sidekick break into Naomi's apartment, and after ransacking it looking for the research papers, they stab her, leaving her for dead as Angelo enters the apartment from the kitchen door, coming to check on her.

Chapter 14: Unable to contact her favorite FBI Agent, Eleanor goes to Washington DC to find him. After several false starts, she learns he is at the cemetery (where he spends a lot of time lately) talking to Allie's gravestone. She tries to convince him to help with the case, as his expertise and resources could be crucial in solving the mystery, but he refuses.
Chapter 15: Eleanor goes to the precinct to comfort Hilda and learns the connection between Lila's research and murder and Hilda's attempted attack. She goes to prison at night and talks to Thomas Whitaker (Lila's father) about the case. She promises him she will help get him out of prison.

Chapter 16: Eleanor sends her newfound information to Garth, hoping that the knowledge of the research papers about curing cancer will lure him to her. It works! His first stop is the prison to talk to Thomas, but he learns that there has been a prison riot, and Thomas was stabbed and is in the ICU, clinging to life by a thread.
Chapter 17: Garth and his men decide something is wrong with the warden and staff at the prison. And they choose to investigate. Angelo has rescued Naomi and taken her to a secluded place for help. Meanwhile, Jose returns to Naomi's apartment to search for the missing papers. He slices his hand open on broken glass, losing a tremendous amount of blood, but does discover the key Naomi had hidden.

Chapter 18: Jose calls Angelo for help, but before he arrives, the men he once considered partners find him and take him with them. Angelo follows them. Meanwhile, in Mexico, someone from the States tells Carlos that Jose's so-called partners consider him a liability and plan on killing him. Carlos, a well-connected man, calls in a huge favor and rescues his son inside a car wash without telling Angelo his plans.

Chapter 19: With Donatelli running late, Garth arrives at the precinct and enters the interrogation room. When Donatelli arrives, the two butt heads, and Garth says he's off the case and is headed back to Washington, DC. Knowing they need his help, Eleanor convinces him to stay at the horse farm, and she will get Donatelli to come there to end their feud.
Chapter 20: Danni learns that their international suspect is an American citizen who only lived in the States three weeks after his birth, and then his parents returned to Germany. His diplomatic immunity just disappeared. Knowing the facts, Danni breaks the rules and materializes as a human so she can walk into the interrogation room with the birth certificate.

Chapter 21: As they prepare Johan to spill everything he knows about the murders and the search for the stolen research papers, Donatelli learns about Naomi and rushes to her apartment, only to find a bed covered with blood, but no Naomi.
Chapter 22: Carlos learns the horrible things his son has done and sends his men to follow Alejandro, Jose's best friend, to the States as he plans to unlock the safe deposit box with the key Jose has given him and steal the papers. At the horse ranch, Eleanor tells Danni that there might be serious consequences for her materializing to another human but tells her she will stand by her. Meanwhile, Donatelli and Garth are about to settle their differences.
TO BE CONTINUED - Spirited Justice



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