- Conversation with Mr. Lincolnby HarryT
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Interesting talk with our 16th President.
Conversation with Mr. Lincoln by HarryT
    A Heavenly Chat Contest Winner 

“Hello, Mr. Lincoln, and welcome. Thank you for accepting my invitation for a conversation. I am impressed by your appearance. You look young, strong and have no beard.”

“Why, yes, sir. You see, the Lord allows us to appear at our physical best when we are called back to earth.”

“Well, I can see that you were a tall individual for your time and also why Mary Todd might be impressed by not only your intellect but also by your physical prowess.”

“Oh, yes, my dear Mary. You know, she was very astute politically, but she loved to spend money, too. We had our problems, but in the end we stuck together. In fact, when we appeared together I often said, ‘Here we are, the tall and the short of it.’ Good joke, don’t you think?”

“Yes, sir, I do. But the reason I wish to talk with you is that I am presently reading a book by Jon Meacham.”

“Oh yes, I know him well. He is an excellent historian.”

“Yes, Mr. Lincoln, I wholeheartedly agree.”

“Please, call me Abe.”

“Yes, sir, Mr. Lincoln, I mean Abe."

Abe said, "You mentioned a book by Jon. I assume you mean And There Was Light.

“Yes, Abe, that’s the one. I am struck by the fact that many of the problems of the 1850s are not unlike many of the problems we are experiencing in 2024.”

Abe peered at me with a thoughtful expression. And said, “That is very possible, for people don’t learn from history and therefore are condemned to repeat it. Ha, ha. I admit that’s not my quote, but I heard George Santayana say something like, ‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.’ And I thought his words both profound and insightful.”

“Yes, Abe, I agree. Take the issue of popular sovereignty spearheaded by one of Mary’s suitors, none other than Stephen A. Douglas. Five justices on our Supreme Court killed the Constitutional right of a woman to make medical decisions about her own body. They said the state had a right to decide what a woman could and couldn’t do with her own body. It struck me the political and religious bias decision by five justices was not unlike the decision made by the seven pro-slavery justices made in the case of Dred Scott. Mr. Scott was deprived of his freedom just as women in my time are being deprived of the freedom to make their own medical decisions about their bodies. Currently, the women in 18 states are deprived of this right, because the Supreme Court tossed the issue back to the states, just as Douglas wanted the slavery issue decided by territories before they became a state.”

“Yes, my son, I can see your point. Though not as ugly as slavery, it has an ugliness of its own. Whenever a citizen is deprived of a right, it is a tragedy and needs to be cured.”

“Abe, another concern I have is the problem of white supremacy. It is rearing its ugly head among many Republicans. However, in our time, it is not only directed at Black people, endeavoring to take away voting rights, but also at immigrants trying to deny citizenship to them. Many Republicans are like the Know Nothing Party of your time, who believed in the superiority of native-born Americans over immigrants. In my era, they identify as MAGA.

“I am acutely aware of these issues,” Lincoln said. “I am totally embarrassed and if I were alive today, I would renounce my affiliation as a member of the Republican Party and join the Democrats because they believe all people deserve an opportunity to pursue a better life for all, not only the rich slaveholders. Sorry, I slipped. I meant to say the rich one percent. Oh, yes, one last observation. There is no way I would support an autocrat who is a convicted criminal and is in cognitive decline as the leader of my party.”

“You know, Mr. Lincoln, it would be wonderful if you were here and could talk some sense into Republican leadership.”

“Well, son, I would not count on that happening. You know, I didn’t have much success with the slavery-loving Democrats of my time.”

Just then, a white dove flew in an open window and dropped a note on Abe’s lap. He opened the note and said, “Oh, it’s from St. Peter. He says it’s time for me to come back to heaven. I have to go but thank you for the conversation and I agree there was much that happened in the 1850s that is akin to what is happening in 2024 in the United States. I sincerely hope the Union holds together. I don’t think I need to remind you how difficult my task was to keep us the United States. Let me leave you with a hopeful observation. I am beginning to see leadership in the Democratic Party that is capable of accomplishing the same difficult task of holding the nation together. I wish you, as a citizen and your leaders, the very best of luck. Goodbye for now and remember, all men are created equal. And most important, government should be of the people, by the people, and for the people. I hope for the well-being of all Americans, democracy does not perish from the United States.”

Then, with that thought echoing in my head, Mr. Lincoln vanished before my eyes.

A Heavenly Chat
Contest Winner


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