- A Deer's Taleby Karen Dougherty Estep
This work has reached the exceptional level
Such beautiful gentle creatures wander through the woods
A Deer's Tale by Karen Dougherty Estep
    Sedoka Poem Contest Winner 

Hidden in the woods
She peeked from behind the tree
Her eyes were like brown saucers
I'm glad it was I
Who shot a picture of her
And not a hunters' shotgun

Writing Prompt
Write a sedoka poem. A sedoka consists of two unrhymed three-line stanzas, each with a syllable count of 5 - 7 - 7.
Often these stanzas go at the same subject from different perspectives, but that is not a requirement.
Sedoka Poem
Contest Winner

Author Notes
I find inspiration for so much of my writing when I hike in the woods. I not only got a picture of this beauty, but her fawn also!!


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