- The Burrenby Terry Reilly
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The natural wonders of this enchanted habitat.
The Burren by Terry Reilly
Sedoka Poem writing prompt entry
Artwork by Susan F. M. T. at

Harsh karst landscape hosts
limestone pavement, clints and grikes,
harbouring bright blue gentians.
Ferns, and orchids too,
attracting Brown Hairstreaks and
Pearl-bordered Fritillaries.

Writing Prompt
Write a sedoka poem. A sedoka consists of two unrhymed three-line stanzas, each with a syllable count of 5 - 7 - 7.
Often these stanzas go at the same subject from different perspectives, but that is not a requirement.

Author Notes
The Burren, in County Clare, western Ireland is a wonderland of Nature, owing its uniqueness to ancient glaciation. Large flat limestone slabs (clints) are riven by deep crevices (grikes) within the shelter of which flourish a profusion of lush flora, including rare orchids. The bright blue gentian is the symbol of the area. The two mentioned species of butterfly are only two of many to grace this landscape.
The place is magical. Please visit if you are able.


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