- Headwaters Academyby EILEEN LAW
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Cindra meddles some more.
Sandra's Lover
: Headwaters Academy by EILEEN LAW

Murder and Crime - who dunnit?

"And with that you are now the proud owner of Headwaters Academy. Congratulations Cindra." A formal hand is put forward from a perfectly pressed black suit, typical lawyer attire.
"Thank you, Simon, for getting this done so quickly. Now to be sure, this is registered to Hera Enterprises and there is no way my son will connect that to me or my husband, correct?" Cindra had a way of asking questions that ensured an answer.
"Absolutely. We ensured that Hera Enterprises is a subsidiary of Demeter Holdings which is a 'sister' company to 1269573 BC Ltd and that of course is your Canadian holdings company registered to CVAR Holdings. And as you know CVAR is registered in the Cayman Islands. The probability of unwinding all these directors and holdings is slim at best." His ability to recall business and connections is one of the reasons that he was a senior partner at his firm.
"Fine. I will hold you to that." Cindra abruptly turned and left the room without another word. She held her head high and her spine straight. Her presence to most could intimidate without a look or a word. And she relied on that fact. The staccato of her heels clicked down a silent corridor while she made her way out of the building.
She had ensured this purchase before her grandson would ever need to register in school. She even purchased the other local academies but she knew her son would only want the best. So, Headwaters was it. Cindra made her presence known to the school almost the same day. She contacted the head of the school Grant Hansen and made an appointment to meet with him.
Cindra of course knew everything she could about Grant long before the meeting. She had a team of private investigators at her beck and call and she used them frequently. Grant, it seemed, had a daughter with a drug problem. The knowledge of his daughter he kept away from the academy so the staff didn't even know she existed. His daughter, Jennifer, was born from a teenage fling when he was only 19 years old. He and the mother were estranged and he barely recognized the pregnancy or birth. It was only after the mother, through the welfare system, got him to accept his responsibility. This part of his history was never told to his current family, and now that his daughter was an adult his contact with her was minimal at best. Jennifers' mother had passed away of cirrhosis of the liver from her own years of alcohol abuse several years before, essentially leaving Jennifer an orphan.
However, this information, if shared with the academy and to his wife would devastate his career and marriage. With this knowledge, Cindra was ready.
"Good afternoon, Mr. Hansen. Please have a seat." Cindra waved to the perfectly appointed chair in front of her desk.
"How can I help you, Mrs. Conners?" Grant had accepted the invitation to the meeting not knowing that she was his new boss but only because she was the governors' wife. He took the seat appointed to him and sat somewhat casually in the chair. A stern look from Cindra was all it took for him to straighten up in the seat. A flush of red crossed his face while he did. Being a redhead with blue eyes, the blush is shamefully obvious when it happens and that fact always pissed him off.
"It seems we have a mutual interest Mr. Hansen. I have recently purchased Headwaters Academy, and as its owner the running of the school is my highest priority. The reputation as being one of the best schools in the state is what attracted it to me. The best is always what we strive for, don't we Mr. Hansen?" She slightly arched one eyebrow at him.
"Please call me Grant. Of course it is. I pride myself on attracting only the best instructors and the brightest students. Our selection committee is dedicated to that end. Our academic scores are the highest in the state. Our curriculum is carefully crafted to exceed state and country standards so our students have a higher achievement rate and are best equipped to succeed in their future." He recited as his face was beaming with pride.
"Mr. Hansen," Said Cindra ignoring the invite to use his first name, "I am quite aware of the current workings of the school. However, there is always room for improvement. I want to see the dossiers on all of the staff, I will have my people check them for accuracy. We must make sure that the employees represent the best of the school and that includes what they present to the world. Social media being what it is, we can't be too sure these days."
"I can assure you Mrs. Conners that we vetted our staff quite efficiently and I am sure that you will find the same. In fact, I don't quite understand the need to do this at all. We are already the best in the state."
"Mr. Hansen. I shall make myself clearer, as it seems there is a disconnect here. When I make a request, I expect it to be carried out. There is no need for discussion. Now make sure that those files are in my office by the end of the day tomorrow." Cindra held her mouth in a tight thin line. She does not like being questioned or challenged. Her clear eyes did not waver as they stared him down. He recognized that stare, it would not take no for an answer.
"There are privacy laws in this state Mrs. Conners. I cannot just hand over these files. You must understand." Grant was now getting worried. His own file had some modifications to it. Specifically excluding his daughter Jennifer. For Mrs. Conners he was sure, a child out of wedlock, even in this day and age, would be catastrophic let alone one that was a street working addict.
"As of noon today, Mr. Hansen, I am the one who will sign all the documentation for that school. I will be the one to approve or decline students, curriculum and teachers. I will be the one to write out the paychecks as well. Am I making myself understood?" This was not yet the time to squeeze him about his illegitimate daughter and her issues. This she was going to save for later.
Grants already red face, just got much redder. His heart was pounding in anger and frustration and the veins in his hands were bulging under the pressure. He was not going to like working with this woman.
"I understand Mrs. Conners." He hated her in that moment. He hated being forced to do things and he hated not being in control. He was going to find a way to get back at her. He wasn't sure how, but he was.
"You may leave now." With her dark stare she sent him on his way. Inside, deep inside, there was always this shy little girl that she used to be. But her father beat that out of her quite quickly. She never forgot, be strong and no one can hurt you.
As time went on and Mac got older, Cindra worked hard at the academy to improve on the best. Now, instead of best in the state, it was on a fast track to be the best in the country. Cindra had fired over half of the staff and she replaced them with higher paid and more finely educated instructors. She remodeled the school and added other grades until it was both a middle and a high school.
Grant Hansen was surprised and annoyed by the changes, but did recognize the benefits. Cindra was generous with financial benefits to Grant at just the right times. When she thought that he was going to quit the school she increased his wages and position. She manipulated him skillfully and kept him in line. Cindra's team located Jennifer as well. She wanted to keep tabs on that addict, in case she needed her in the future.
Cindra, years before had also purchased Cottonwood Elementary School. This too was a private school that Mac was attending. However, here she took a back seat. There was an incident and Mark almost found out that she was involved in the school. However, Simon, in his usual capable way, was able to 'hide' her as owner so Mark wasn't able to figure it out.
It was when Mac was only 4 and Mark and Aliss were about to interview the school. They saw Cindra in the parking lot and asked her what she was doing there. Cindra, always a quick wit responded with "It's the best, so of course you would take Mac here. Can't a grandmother participate in her grandson's first day at school?" Mark responded to her by saying, "It's only the interview mother, we will contact you when he actually starts here."
"Of course, son. Nice to see you, Aliss. Mac, come and give Gramma a hug" It was obvious that she loved her grandson and that he was her weakness. It was a rare thing to see her give affection and this she was willing to give in spades to this precious little boy. Soon after that she left. Mark never thought twice about the incident; however, he did tuck that little memory away. He always did when it came to his parents.
Soon enough Mac was old enough to enroll at Headwaters Academy. It was time for Cindra to get to work.

Author Notes
Try though I might
keep at the fight
here at the wheel
signing the deal
The truth or the lies
where it all ties
Twist with the bends
Where does it end?


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