- Mere C. S. Lewisby Sugarray77
This work has reached the exceptional level
A self descriptive poem
Mere C. S. Lewis by Sugarray77

I've wandered into
new territory. A digital
world of make believe that
requires nothing but imagination...
That is how I like to 
think of my foray into discussing
poetry in a new podcast.
Our son, who is a gifted
writer, has always had an
avid interest in C. S. Lewis
and his writings.  The imaginary 
worlds that the writer created 
fascinated him and kept him
spellbound in the books of fantastical worlds.
As an adult, he also began to write,
but took a sidestep into creating
a podcast that discusses all of the
works of the great Lewis.
Nobody could have guessed that
he would invite me on to discuss
the nuances of C. S. Lewis' poetry.
It was a pleasure to work with him
to discuss and dissect all of the famous
author's varying points of views, style and
his considerable gift for poetry.
If you would like to know more...
read the notes :)


Author Notes
Mere C. S. Lewis is the name of the podcast that discusses the literary works, both prose and poetry, of the late author. In the most recent episode, our son Thornton, who has posted work here on FanStory, invited me to discuss three poems by Lewis. We enjoyed diving into the verses and sharing a great discussion. Here is the link if you are interested:

If the link doesn't work, you can find it on your podcast app on your phone, or contact


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