Artificial Intelligence (AI) is causing headlines and rapid concern among scientists, sociologists, economists and common folk alike. The technology has the potential to affect every aspect of life from Hollywood to the classroom. There is no denying it offers wonderful benefits, such as enhanced productivity, improved healthcare, and increased access to education. AI-powered technologies can also help solve complex problems and make our daily lives easier and more convenient. But AI also has a dark side and it must be carefully controlled. This essay will discuss the explicit need for secure and responsible development of AI technology.
In the political realm, doctored photographs and film clips with the assistance of AI are being widely circulated on social media. An even more important concern is the possibility of AI creating bias databases that unwitting individuals might tap into when seeking information. We must remember that AI does not guarantee truthfulness. Therefore, we humans need to develop means of checking and swiftly discontinuing deception and the perpetuation of false information.
One example of deception is the recent AI generated deep fake of the famed singer, Taylor Swift. AI created a false image by which Swift appears in an Uncle Sam hat and implores her followers to endorse Donald Trump. In reality, she supports the Democratic candidate. In a second instance, a picture appeared on social media of the Chicago River dyed red during the Democratic Convention. The posting was intended to vilify the Democratic position regarding women’s reproductive rights. These are two examples of the potential harm that could result from misinformation that may become wide-reaching and could be especially damaging to truth in the political sphere.
Policies need to be developed to address bias that can easily be built into AI technology. Training programs need to be conceived, required, and implemented for all personnel involved with AI technology. AI engineers must develop algorithms that are resistant to bias and hacking. Thus, methodology also needs to be developed facilitating the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of AI information.
A further concern is who will manage the power and control of AI. I have a fear that power and control could become concentrated in the hands of a few monopolist corporations. A more frightening situation in the hands of an evil cabal. And by all means the worst circumstance AI in the control of a single person. If a power-drunk, malicious individual would gain control of AI, he or she could use it for diabolical activities. Remember, AI has no human qualities like love or empathy. It will destroy, if so programed, leading to devastating consequences.
I also feel uneasy because I believe in the future, most of the industrial complex will undoubtedly adopt AI technology. They will have to do it in order to survive. The happening will most certainly lead to job loss and social unrest, especially among the blue-collar and white-collar workforces. To prepare workers for the winds of change, investing in education and training is crucial. World governments must prepare policies and regulations to address the potential economic and social consequences of expanding AI implementation.
Now the following bit may sound like science fiction, but so did Dick Tracy’s radio wristwatch and Flash Gordon rocketing off into space. What if, in time, AI becomes self-aware? In other words, AI develops the ability to think and operate without human intervention. What will become of our world? Will AI decide for itself that humans are no longer useful to its existence? Or will they seek to enslave humanity to make a world of their own design? Just something to ponder.
To conclude, the ethical implications that AI presents are profound. Yes, the technology offers significant potential benefits, but also, I have deep concerns about control, bias and the easy spread of misinformation. There are also substantial social and economic implications to consider for our future well-being. We must be on guard and develop responsible guidelines to ensure the control of AI so that its use is only for the benefit of mankind. In the words of an old Chinese proverb: “When the Wind of Change Blows, Some Build Walls, Others Build Windmills.”
For the sake of future generations, we better build windmills.