- My Secret Placeby John Cranford
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We're never alone.
My Secret Place by John Cranford
    Write a Rhyming Spiritual Poem Contest Winner 

There is a place where I can go
A place where no one's there to see
The way to there I only know
A secret place made just for me

I go there in the morning mist
When all the world remains asleep
This quiet space I can't resist
This sacred place where I retreat

I break the earthly bonds that bind
I'm free from them for in this place
A blessed solitude I find
And in my soul, I sense His grace

I share with Him my solemn prayer
I talk about the hills I climb
He lets me know that He is there
He says, "I've been here all the time."


Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming abab cdcd etc. spiritual poem.
Poems must be in iambic tetrameter (8 syllables per line) and no more than 16 lines.
Write a Rhyming Spiritual Poem
Contest Winner


Author Notes
"But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." -- Matthew 6:6.

For purposes of this poem, 'blessed' is pronounced as two syllables.


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