- Friendsby Gypsy Blue Rose
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Free Verse lowercase and no punctuation
2024 Gypsy's Free Verse
: Friends by Gypsy Blue Rose

when you’re not around

I feel alone and unloved

even in a crowded room~


you're the one who cheers me up

with your beautiful burnt umber eyes

that always look sad


walks with you are so much fun

I look forward to those times

good for you and good for me

it’s the best way to stay fit


you're my loyal friend

and undoubtedly the best pet—

my adorable terrier 



Author Notes
Free Verse with lowercase and no punctuation. My poem is dedicated to my dog, Muffin

Thank you for reviewing my poem (*=*)


Pictures from my Pinterest account. I don't use a presentation template, the complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024


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