- Blue Fateby Shirley Ann Bunyan
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Hues of blue
Blue Fate by Shirley Ann Bunyan
Color Series writing prompt entry

Your cobalt-glossy eyes demanded my attention.
What secrets lie beneath?
There was but one colour in that electric tension.
It was the blue of midnight before black.
Indigo deep intentions hid through a steel-blue smile.
Would I tread where others had tripped?
Was my destiny already packed, paid and shipped?
Prey. An aqua-marine queen in a cornflower dress
yielding to your grandiose arrest.
Azure skies and turquoise rainbows could not abate
the universal swathe of fate that sealed my
world dark blue. 


Writing Prompt
Write a poem with the theme being the color BLUE. The color can be literal, figurative, or a metaphor.


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