- The Invaderby prettybluebirds
This work has reached the exceptional level
The world in turmoil.
The Invader by prettybluebirds
No One Can See Me contest entry
Artwork by Renate-Bertodi at

No one can see me.
I travel extensively, but no one has ever seen me, and I like it that way. By the time people realize I have arrived, it is often too late, and I have moved on to a new location. I never stop moving.
My power is immense. At one point, I had the whole planet terrified. Schools closed, and businesses shut down, all because of me. People cowered in their homes, afraid to venture outside, never knowing where I might lurk. Man, it felt good to dominate the world.
I laughed when people thought they could stop me from going wherever I wished. My favorite stunt was to invade nursing homes and cause panic and death. No one could see me, so I entered when the mood suited me and stayed until I was ready to leave. No one could tell me where I could and couldn't go, and they still can't today.
Whenever the world thinks it has me under control, I change my disguise and slip away, leaving the experts scrambling to figure out my next move. Maybe they will find a way to stop me someday, but I intend to enjoy myself to the fullest until such time.
It's my nature to kill, and though people have made futile attempts to destroy me, I live on. They even gave me a ridiculous title, COVID, but only I know my real name.



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