- Terry gets suspendedby EILEEN LAW
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted
Terry takes time to look through clues
Sandra's Lover
: Terry gets suspended by EILEEN LAW

Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of violence.
Warning: The author has noted that this contains the highest level of language.
This is a crime thriller, with detailed back stories - enjoy!

"What the fuck is the meaning of this!" Sargeant Hayes dropped a file on Terry's desk. His face was purple with rage as he pointed his fat ringed finger into her face. "You are supposed to be shadowing Anderson and not going rogue! You are wasting time and valuable resources redoing cases that are being handled by other officers in this precinct. We are supposed to be a team here, Smythe. Not a private Dick on the side!"

Terry was careful to not react to him. Her controlled countenance, her HR training and knowledge of the human rights rules helped her keep calm. Even despite the fact that the sergeant was breaking all of them.

Everyone in the precinct turned to look at them and there was a deafening silence in the room. Hell, even the phones didn't ring. Everyone was waiting to see how she would handle this.

"You told me to check all the files, put inside them any paperwork that is missing, to re-read psych reports and to bring my findings back to you. I was doing what you asked me to do." She knew she was doing way more, but she took the chance that he didn't know she went outside and engaged with witnesses.

"I told you to shadow Anderson. He says you haven't been at your desk the last couple times he came looking for you and you didn't answer your phone. Where were you?"

"If he missed me perhaps, I was in the bathroom putting on my lipstick." She couldn't help it. The bastard needed a lesson.

"I have had enough of your insubordination and lack of respect. Smythe, you are officially suspended. Leave your gun and badge and get out of my precinct!"

"Fine." She stood up, dropped her badge and gun on her desk. As Hayes turned around, she grabbed the file he had dropped, tucked it under her arm and walked out of the building.

Now, she really had to be careful. She definitely had an HR case and could fight to return to work, but if she did, would it really help her? Isn't it better to take her 'private time' and continue her investigations on her own? She had a bunch of evidence at her house. Buddy's laptop, Sandra's sweater, Olessia's credit card statement and not to forget that anytime now the cell phone reports should be coming in from Warren.

She could take this time and interview the witnesses she didn't get to yet, Jaz the logistics manager from JD consulting and Janine â€" the witness to the last fight between Joe and Yvette. Nancy Coleman â€" her snitch at the same office. Shannon Beadle the new love intertest of Frank Turner, Stefanie the niece of Yvette. Marlene at the bar where Sandra worked. Joe Garrison the bar flirt and permanent resident.
Perhaps the Stang's needed another visit. She hadn't interviewed the sister yet or anyone at the high school. So much to do and now she had the time. She put the car in gear and headed home. It's time to open the file and the laptop.
Today was her day with Katie Girl. Good thing she was home early because there she was sitting on the front porch along with their father, waiting for Terry to get home.

"Hey dad, I think you're a bit early, aren't you?" Terry said as she unlocked the front door.

"I called the precinct and they said you were off early so I headed over." Joe replied.

'Why would he call the precinct and not me directly?' she thought to herself.

"Terry look, look at my pony." Katie girl said proudly showing the braided mane and tail of her plastic purple pony. This beautiful adult woman whose mind was still trapped in a little girl's. She was damaged and kept her innocence despite that horrible event of her childhood.

There were countless hours with psychiatrists, therapists and other doctors, all saying that Katie had no physical reason for her mental state. She has had every test and there is no evidence of brain damage. They all believe that one day, Katie may quickly mature and progress. For now, it's a waiting game.

At the front door Terry turned to escort her sister inside. Her father was headed back to his vehicle and waved as he walked away.

"See you Tangerine â€" I'll pick her up tomorrow after my doctor's appointment around 4ish". He climbed into his '72 Buick started the smoky engine, and rattled away.

Terry settled Katie girl playing in the living room while she sat down with the file. When she opened it, she found the report that set off Sargeant Hayes. The blue glove that she turned over came back and, in the report, it showed both DNA and a latent print on the inside. Neither had any links at either AFIS or CODIS, but it was a great start.

She had already set up an evidence board in her office, to this she added these 2 tidbits. Her wall was looking more like a haphazard macrame then crime board, but it would all soon make sense.

She then grabbed Sandra's sweater and checked the pockets. Nothing unusual, just a drug store receipt. She put that aside anyway. You never know. Then she opened Olessia's credit card statement.

'Well, I'll be damned', she thought to herself, 'if it isn't the exact bill that I needed'.
The statement started about a week before Olessia's disappearance and the purchases dropped off to no activity. With this she would be able to build a timeline of activities for the few days before Olessia had disappeared.

The last day of purchases has her buying gas, a purchase at a drug store and a drive through restaurant. After this, there are no purchases, nothing. It would be safe to assume this would be the last day that anyone would have seen her. Now Terry could go to these stores and see if they had surveillance footage. She can then find out if Olessia was alone on her last day.

Terry gets up from her desk and heads into the living room. Here she sees Katie girl, her back is to Terry and she seems to be struggling with something. Terry approaches her sister peers over her and sees Katie stabbing her pony with a pencil. Over and over, all the while she is mumbling.

"Pretty girl, Sandy, Pretty girl." Her face is twisted in rage and disgust.


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