- fashion contest judgeby jake cosmos aller
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a true story
fashion contest judge by jake cosmos aller
100 Word Story writing prompt entry

Back in the day, in 1991,  when I served my country as a diplomat, as a vice consul in Seoul, Korea, I sometimes attended events on behalf of the Embassy. Several times I went to final of art exhibits.  Once I was asked to serve as a judge at a beauty contest.  It was a sudden assignment and I was afraid to go as I felt like I was a coward to show up and make a decision. But I went to the Expo in Taejon , and participated as a judge where I was treated like a Rock Star..

Writing Prompt
Write a story that is between 100 and 150 words. The trick is you must use the following words: art, final, beauty, sudden, coward.

Author Notes
as a diplomat one is often treated like a rock star or asked to be judge at a local event part of the job of representing one's country overseas


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