All those years of school, then work...
Then dating then marriage, then kids...
Now, just sitting on the porch alone
Dreaming of doing what wife forbids.
For example, I’d like another bourbon!
But, wife’s rule, I only get one a day.
For dinner, I’d love chicken fried steak
But, she of all rules ruled, “No Way!”
When was last time I played any golf?
Between old knees and back, golf is OB.
Going downtown for a baseball game?
I can’t drive and she won’t take me.
I can't remember the last thing I forgot!
But, I'm told constantly, forgetting is me.
I once had a brain like a railroad train;
On track, on time, on down the line I'd be!
There's absolutely nothing on TV I watch
And, the music on radio these days
Can be called nothing but just pure noise
Wife says I’m just going through a phase.
It is a phase, alright, it gets phasier each year:
I've reached the point of “what’s the point?”
At least, I’ve some great 60s memories, the
Girls, Grateful Dead; Sure wish I had a joint!