Alleyway To Love. by Barry Penfold Artwork by meg119 at |
![]() "Bugger it" Tina yelled out to herself. Another nail broken with no time to repair. Her date time loomed and she still had a fifteen minute walk. Tina cursed herself as she slammed the front door and stepped out towards the main shopping centre. Why had she agreed to this date? Sure, he seemed quite nice and they had had several zoom hookups. She had been flirting with love before, and so far, nothing really sparked. Oh well, maybe one more shot. Rain, which had not been forecast, arrived in a rush and required her handbag to become a somewhat inefficient umbrella. The bus shelter provided some relief but she could not delay. Hesitating, she ran across the road. There was an alleyway that would cut off some time, although it was against her safety first instincts. So many nasty things went down in alleyways but there was still plenty of light and she would walk quickly. On spotting the entrance to the alleyway, she momentarily stopped and took stock. A few calming deep breaths and she commenced her entry into unknown territory. It was narrow and anyone coming the other way would have to stop and let her pass, or turn to their side to move forward. She smiled when she caught site of the exit. Feeling proud that she was close to the exit and not far from her date venue, she increased her tempo. All good, but wait, another person was entering the alleyway. Tallish and wearing a coat and a hood. "Oh Christ" she murmured. An unsavoury character for sure. She reached frantically into her handbag, searching for her key alarm. That should attract somebody. Where was the bloody thing? At that moment, and without warning, the handbag strap broke. Contents spilled everywhere. "What a mess. Why God, Why?"Tina stood transfixed and staring at the devastation below. What a pain to pick all of the stuff up. As she bent down, a voice questioned her,"Would you like some help? You certainly had some stuff in there" Tina, from her crouching position, looked up. "No thanks, I am fine,I am late now anyway, so I have time to pick all of it up." "Late for work or something else" the hooded man questioned. Tina was hoping he would go away. She reluctantly replied. "Actually, I am late for a date" "Well that is a bit of a co-incidence. I am sort of running away from a date." The hooded man still stood close to her. Tina, now collecting the contents of her handbag, wanted him to go. She had located her key alarm, and felt more comfortable should she need to use it. She rose, and her response was quizzical. "So, what do you mean by running away from a date?" "Well, I had a date lined up, but for various reasons decided it was not for me. I walked straight past the restaurant. The lady looked okay online, but I was not sure I wanted to get involved in anything just yet." Tina looked at him and there was something annoyingly familiar about this man. The voice, where had she heard it before? He had spoken firmly but softly to her. Another clarification of his identity needed to be made. Tina took a punt. "Do you mind removing your hood please?" Without hesitation, the hood was removed, revealing a smiling man, beginning to laugh. Tina connected immediately. She too began to smile. "Oh, my god. You're Tim, my date I am rushing to. But you were running away from me. You were deserting me to the ultimate embarrassment. I should be livid with anger, but I am not. I am so relieved that you are not some rapist or mugger." "Indeed I am not. But not your Prince Charming either. Guess I have done my dash after this?" "Probably, but I am hungry. How about we grab a bite to eat?" "Good idea. Allow me to shout. A window seat at McDonald's is the best I can do." Tina looked at him and shook her head. "Seems as though I have found one hell of a big spender. Lead on Mr Tim." "Take my hand Ms Tina. We do not want rapists or muggers to take advantage of you. It seems that we are both involved now." They both laughed and joined hands. Tina had a good feeling about this man. Their alleyway meeting was meant to be. Perhaps her love future was destined to blossom, but outside the alleyway.
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Barry Penfold
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