A single leaf begins to fall.
He wants to be the first of all.
His brethren strain to join his fun.
For now he’s still the only one.
He floats and sways inside the breeze,
but, looking up, he promptly sees
another leaf depart the tree,
and, then, another leaf makes three.
Another dozen start to race.
They fall below with gentle grace.
The first leaf feels so very proud,
as if atop a silver cloud.
His reddish colors turn to brown,
as, fresher leaves keep falling down.
The rusts and yellows join the pile.
He'll only last a little while.
He's far below the others soon,
and, no one hears his lonely tune.
He tries to sing until he's dead.
He's raked into a bag instead.
He struggles hard to understand,
as, he gets crumbled by a hand.
So dead and dry has he become.
He’s clinging onto someone’s thumb.
He lies atop the garbage bag.
His pride no longer tries to brag.
By now it's clear his life was gone
the second that he hit the lawn.
It might be better after all
to be the last of leaves to fall.